❧ By the King.
¶ A Proclamation forbidding any resort to His Maiesties Court, for cure of the Kings-Euill, vntill Easter next.

HIs Maiestie hauing in September last declared his Royall pleasure touching the time he had designed for cure of such His Subiects as were afflicted with the disease called the Kings-Euill, which by his Proclama­tion, He had prescribed to haue done at the feast of the bertho four Lord God now next comming: And although his Maiestie in His gratious disposition is as ready, and willing, as any of his predecessours at all times to relieue the distresses, and necessties of His Subiects: Yet now hauing taken into His Royall consideration, the present generall dispersion and ouerspreading of the Small-Pox throughout all parts of this Kingdome, and of the danger that may ensue to His Maiesties person, and house-hold, by the accesse, and confluence of those people to His Court for cure; Is therefore pleased to put off that worke to a further time: And both therefore hereby straitly charge, and command, that no person, or persons what­soeuer, who hath the disease of the Kings-Euill, doe presume to repaire to His Maiesties Court, for help, vntill the feast of Easter next, vpon paine of His Maiesties high displeasure, His Maiesties said late Proclamation, or any signification of his pleasure thereby, to the contrary hereof notwith­standing. And to the end that all his louing Subiects may the better take knowledge of this His royall command, His pleasure is, that this His Proclamation be forthwith published and af­fixed, in fit and open places, in euery Market-Towne of this His Realme.

God saue the King.

❧ Imprinted at London by ROBERT BARKER, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie: And by the Assignes of Iohn Bill. 1634.

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