❧ By the King.
A Proclamation against the making, or vsing of any Nets or Engines, for taking of Phesants and Partridges.

HIS Maiestie hauing found the great decay, and scarcity of the game of Partridge, did lately publish his royall pleasure by Proclamation, for pre­uenting those wayes, and meanes, that contrary to the Lawes and Sta­tutes of this Realme, are frequently practised, for destroying the same. But now perceiuing that it hath not yet produced that reformation which he expected; He is pleased further to signifie His Princely Will, and Com­mandment in that behalfe; And doth therefore hereby straitly charge, and command, That no person, or persons, of what degree, or quality soeuer, shall at any time hereafter presume to make, vse, or keepe, in his, or their house, or elsewhere, any Tunnellnet, Hoopnet, Broadnet, Sheet­net, or any other sort of Nets, Trannels, Lowbels, Engines, Snares, or instruments whatsoeuer now deuised, or practised, or which hereafter shall bee de­uised, or practised, for the getting, or taking of Phesants, or Partridges, either by day, or by night, vpon paine of His Maiesties high displeasure, and such punishment as His Court of Starre-Chamber shall thinke meete to inflict vpon such delinquents, for their contempt of his Maiesties Commandment in that behalfe. And to the end His Maiesties said royall pleasure here­in may be hereafter more duely obserued; His Maiestie doth hereby expresly require, authorize and command, aswell all and euery the Iustices of Peace in their seuerall Counties, as the master of His Maiesties Hawkes for the time being, That vpon request to them, or any one of them, from time to time made, by any person, or persons that shall endeauour the preseruing of the said game, or the find­ing out of the said Nets, Snares, Engines, setting-Dogs, or other deuices for taking of Phesants, or Partridge: They make forth their Warrants for the searching of any houses, or other places, where any such Nets, Engines, Snares, setting-Dogs, or other deuices shall be suspected to be had, made, or kept. And that thereupon it shall be lawfull to euery such person, or persons, hauing such Warrant, or Warrants, to enter into, and make search in any such houses, or places, where he or they shall vn­derstand, or suspect any such Nets, Snares, Engines, setting-Dogs, or other deuices to be so made, vsed, or kept; And the same there found, to seize, take, cut in pieces, and vtterly destroy at his and their pleasures. And his Maiesty doth further straitly charge and command all Maiors, Sherifes, Iustices of Peace, Constables, Officers, and ministers of Iustice whatsoeuer, to take speciall care for the due execution of His Maiesties said royall Will and Pleasure herein declared. And lastly, that all such persons as shall be found offendors in the premisses, may be seuerely punished, for such their con­tempts, His Maiestly doth expresly charge and require, That vpon complaint or information thereof made to His Attorney generall for the time being, they be proceeded against in the Starre-Chamber, that they may receiue condigne punishment according to their demerits.

God saue the King.

Imprinted at London by ROBERT BARKER Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie, and by the assignes of IOHN BILL.

Anno Domini, 1634.

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