WHEREAS by the humble Supplication and Petition of our louing Seruant sir Richard Graham, knight and Baronet, one of Our Queries, We are credibly given to vnderstand that hee hath formerly had a grant vnder Our great Seale, and Dutchy seale, for the building of the Church of Kirkeanders, with two Chappels of Ease, within our County of Cumberland, bordering vpon Our kingdome of Scotland, for the better education and instruction of the people there, for want to which they are run into many inconueniences. And that Our Seruant hath proceeded for the finishing thereof, so farre as his ability will extend, and cannot finish it; the charge thereof being too great for him to undergoe, and hath therefore most humbly besought Vs that according to Our Princely zeale to workes of this nature, We would be gratiously pleased to grant vnto him Our Letters Patents for some helpe to bee made therein by way of a Collection of the charity of weldlsposed people. And whereas upon further consideration taken of this extraordinary case, we are giuen to vnderstand by speciall Certificats, vnder the hands of our trusty and welbeloued Subjects sir Phillip Musgraue, and sir Patrick Curwen, Baronets, sir Edward Musgraue, sir George Dalston, sir Henry Blincowe, sir Iohn Lowther, sir Thomas Carleton, and sir Thomas Dacre knights, and Anthony Hutton, Esquior Iustices of the Peace within our foresayd county of Cumberland, That our Royall Father King Iames of blessed memory, did for the Church of Arthurett adjoyning, grant a Collection by way of a Briefe towards so charitable worke, by which meanes the said Church is built all but the Steeple, But the Church of Kirkeanders lyeth as yet vnbuilt, and the Parishioners thereof are inforced to goe to Arthurett Church over the Riuer Eske. When they can passe for the said Riuer which is very seldome, their being neither Church nor Chapell in the Parish of Kirkeanders for reading divine seruice, And therefore they haue commended the same vnto us, And that they have also seene an estimate of the Charge, vnder the hands of Masons, Carpenters, and Ioyners, which will Amount vnto the Summe of Three Thomsand Pounds at the least, for building the Church and Two Chappels of Ease, according to our late direction under our great Seale and Dutchy Seale, And therefore they haue likewise des [...]ed our furtherance therein for so pyous a worke, it being the principall m [...]anes to informe our Subjects therein the true grounds of Christianity, hereof they stand in great need. Now forasmuch as we tendring the glory of God, and comfort and Saluation of the Soules of our loving Subjects, as also upon the humble request of our foresaid Iustices, and likewise vpon the humble Petition of Our foresaid Seruant sir Richard Graham, have condiscended thereunto, for a Collection to be made within certaine Counties and places hereafter mentioned: Not doubting, but that all good Christians considering the premisses, will be ready and willing, (and the rather for Our Commendation,) to extend their liberall contributions, towards the furtherance of so goodly and religious a worke.
KNOW Ye therefore, that of Our especiall grace and Princely compassion We have given and granted, and these Our Letters Patents doe give and grant unto Our said Servant sir Richard Graham, and to his Deputy and Deputies, the Bearer or Bearers hereof, full power, Licence and authority, to aske, gather receive, and take the Almes and chapitable benevolence of all Our loving Subjects, whatsoever Inhabiting, within Our Cities of London and Westminster, with the Suburbs and Liberties thereof, And in our Counties of Cumberland, Northumberland, Westmerland, Durham, Lancaster, Yorke, Derby, Nottingham, Lincolne, Rutland, Le [...]cester, Northampton, Bedford, Hertford, Middlesex, Essex, Kent, Surrey, Cambridge, Norfoke, and Suffolke, our Citie of Carlioll, Our Towne and County of Newcastl vpon Tyne, our Cities of Durham, and Yorke, our Townes and Counties of Kingstone vpon Hull, and No [...]t [...]ngham, our Cities of Lincolne, Peterbo [...]ough, Canterbury, and Rochester, with our Cinque Ports, our Borough of Southwarke, our Vniversity of Cambridge, and Isle of Ely, our Citty of Norwich, and Towns and County of the same. And in all other Cities, Townes Corporate, Priviledged places, Parishes, Vilages, and in all other place whatsoever within our said Counties, and not elsewhere for and towards the building of the said Church, and two Chappels of Ease.
WHEREFORE We will and command you, and every of you, that at such time and times as the said Sir Richard Graham his Deputy or Deputies, the Bearer or Bearers hereof, shall come and repaire to any your Churches, Chappels, or other Places, to aske, and receive the gratuities and charitable benevolence of our said Subjects, quietly to permit and suffer them so to doe, without any manner your less or contradictions. And you the said Parsons, Vicars, and Curates, for the better stirring up of a charitable devotion, deliberately to publish and declare the Tenour of these our Letters Patents. or the Coppie or Briefe hereof, unto our said Subiects upon some Sabbath day, when as the same shall be tendered unto you, Exhort [...]ng and perswading them to extend their liberall contributions in so good and godly a deede.
AND You the Churchwardens of every Parish where such Collection is to be made (as aforesaid) to Collect and gather the Almes and charitable benevolence of all our loving Subjects, aswell strangers as others. And what shall be by you so gathered, to bee by the Minister and your selves endorsed on the backside of these our Offers Patents, or the Coppy or Briefe thereof, in wor [...]s at length, and not in Figures; and the Summe and Summes of Money of so gathered and endorsed, to deliver to the Bearer or Bearers of these our Letters Patents, and to no other person, when as thereunto you shall be required Any statute, Law, Ordinance, or Provision heretofore made to the contrary in any wise not withstanding.
IN Witnesse whereof Wee have caused these Our Letters to be made Patents for the space of one Whole yeere next after the date hereof to indure.
❀God saue the King
Printed by Thomas Purfoot.