❧ By the King.
❧ A Proclamation for the well ordering of His Maiesties Court and Traine, as well in His present Iourney intended towards His Kingdome of
Scotland, and returne from thence, as in all other His Maiesties Iourneys and Progresses hereafter.
THe Kings most Excellent Maiestie hauing taken into his Princely consideration some inconueniences which may fall out, and happen in His intended Iourney to wards His Kingdome of Scotland, if present care bee not had to preuent the same: Hath thought fit by aduice of His Priuie Councell, to publish and declare by this Proclamation; That His Royall pleasure and commandement is, that none of His Subiects, of what degree or quality soeuer they be, during the time of His Maiesties going, and returning in the said Iourney, shall presume within the Verge of His Maiesties Court, to take vp, or possesse themselues of any Lodgings, of their owne priuate authority, but shall first receiue a Billet for the same from His Maiesties Harbingers, or some of them.
And His Maiestie being graciously, and prouidently carefull to preuent such grieuances, which may in this Iourney happen to His louing Subiects, doth likewise hereby straightly charge and command, that none of His Maiesties Seruants, nor the seruants of any Nobleman, or others whatsoever, shall in the said Iourney, presume to take any Cart or Carts, but such as shall be deliuered vnto him or them, by someone of His Maiesties Cart-takers, or their Deputies.
And lastly, His Maiesties further will and pleasure is, That this His Royall Proclamation, and the directions hereby giuen and commanded, shall likewise continue, and remaine in force for His Maiesties seruice, and the good of His Subiects, in all other His Maiesties future Iourneys, and Proycesses whatsoeuer. The due obseruing whereof, His Maiestie expecteth from all His louing Subiects, as they tender His pleasure, and will auoid the contrary at their perils.
Giuen at the Court at Whitehall, the fifth day of May, in the ninth yeere of the Reigne of our Souereigne Lord CHARLES by the grace of God King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c.
God saue the King.
¶ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent MAIESTIE: and by the Assignes of Iohn Bill. M.DC.XXXIII.