An Inquisition taken ⟨at Woodstock⟩ in the County of the [...] day of August in the [...] yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord CHARLES, of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. Before ⟨Charles Walker⟩ Gent. Deputy unto [...] Esq. Clerke of the Market of his Maiestie most Honourable houshold, Within the Verge, and thorow out the Whole Realme of England, as well within Liberties as without; By the Oath of [...] honest and lawfull men, Of the price of Graine, Victuals, Horse-meat, Lodgings, and other things rated and taxed, in manner and forme following. viz.
- FIrst, a quarter of the best wheat cleane and swéet in the Market [...]
- Item, a quarter of second Whea in the Market [...]
- Item, a quarter third Wheat in the Market [...]
- Item, a quarter best Barley in the Market [...]
- And a quarter second Barley in the Market [...]
- Item, a quarter best Mault in the Market [...]
- Item, a quarter second Mault in the Market [...]
- Item a quarter best Beanes or Pease in the Market [...]
- And a quarter second Beanes [...]r Pease in the Market [...]
- Item, a bushell of Beanes or Pase mingled with Oats for provender in Iune [...]
- Item, a quarter best Oates in the Market [...]
- And a Bushell of the same wihin every Inne or other house [...]
- Item, a Kilderkin of good Ale, e double Béere, with carriage [...]
- And a Kilderkin of good Ale or Béere, with carriage [...]
- Item, a full quart of the best Ale or Béere by measure seaed [...]
- And a full quart of single Ale or Beéere by measure seald [...]
- Item, a pound of Butter swéet and new the best in the Mrket [...]
- And pound of second Butter swéet and new in Shop or Market [...]
- Item, a pound best Chéese in the Shop or Market [...]
- And a pound second Chéese in Shop or Market [...]
- Item, a stone of the best Béefe at the Butchers, weighing eight pound Avoirdepois [...]
- And a Stone of second Béefe at the Butchers [...]
- Item, a quarter best Veale at the Butchers [...]
- And a quarter second Veale at the Butchers [...]
- Item, a quarter best Wether Mutton at the Butchers [...]
- And a quarter second Wether Mutton at the Butchers [...]
- Item a quarter best Lambe at the Butchers [...]
- And a quarter second Lamber at the Butchers [...]
- Item a fat Pigge the best in the Market [...]
- And a leane or second Pigge in the Market [...]
- Item a couple of Capons the best in the Market [...]
- And a leane or second couple of Capons in the Market [...]
- Item, a fat Goose the best in the Market [...]
- Item, a couple of Chickens the best in the Market [...]
- Item, a couple of second Chickens in the Market [...]
- Item, a couple of Rabbets the best in the Market [...]
- And a couple of second Rabbets in the Market [...]
- Item, a dozen of Pigeons the best in the Market [...]
- Item, that every man being in Company, sixe or more together, having at Dinner or Supper, good Bread and Drinke, Béefe and Mutton, boyled or rosted or else Veale boyled , and Pigge, Béefe or Veale rosted: or otherwise upon Fish-dayes to have good Bread & Drinke, salt Fish, or salt Salmon, Ling, Egges, and Butter, and so in default of one meate, to have another, every man to pay for his meale [...]
- Item, a pound of Tallow Candles made of Wicke [...]
- And a pound of Cotton or Watching Candles [...]
- Item, a Fether-bed, with necessary apparrell for one man, one night, and so depart [...]
- Item, a Fether-bed, with necessary apparrell by the wéeke for one man alone [...]
- And the like Fether-bed and furniture for two together, by the wéeke [...]
- Item, a Mattresse or Flocke-bed by the wéeke, for one or two together [...]
- Item, a Chamber with two beds and good furniture one night and so depart [...]
- And the like Chamber and furniture by the wéeke [...]
- Item, if any man abide in any such Chamber, over and above one day and one night, then to pay after the rate of the whole wéeke, being as aforesaid. [...]
- Item, thrée Horse-loaves at the Bakers, every Loafe weighing [...] Troy. [...]
- And two of the same Loaves within every Iune or other house [...]
- Item, a load of Straw for litter with carriage [...]
- Item, an hundred weight of good and swéet Haie [...]
- Item every bottle of Haie weighing [...] Avoirdepois [...]
- Item, Haie and Litter day and night for one Horse within every Iune [...]
- And the like Haie and Litter day and night for one Horse within every other house [...]
- Item, good Grasse for one Horse day and night, and so depart [...]
- And the like good Grasse for one Horse by the whole wéeke [...]
- Item, a load of Talwood, kéeping the Assize with carriage [...]
- Item, a thousand Billets, kéeping the Assize with carriage [...]
- Item, a hundred of Fagots, kéeping the Assize with carriage [...]
- Item, one of the same Fagots within every house [...]
- Item, a load of good brush Bavines, with carriage [...]
- Item, a load of long or great Logge-Wood, with carriage [...]
- Item, an hundred of good Oake Boords, with carriage [...]
- Item, an hundred of good Elme boords, with carriage [...]
- Item, a thousand of Brickes, with carriage [...]
- Item, a quarter of Charcoles, with carriage [...]
- Item, a vacant or empty roome, either stable or chamber by the wéeke [...]
- Item, a quart of the best Claret or White Wine at the Vintners [...]
- And a quart of the best Canary Sacke at the Vintners by measure sealed [...]
- Item a quart of the best Sherry sacke at the Vintners by measure sealed [...]
⟨The [...] price [...] Woodstock⟩
⟨God save the kyng⟩