¶By the King.
¶A proclamation concerning the Trade of Ginney, and Binney, in the parts of Africa.
WHereas Our late deare and Royall Father, King james (of euer blessed and happy memorie) for the due establishing of an orderly Traffique and Trade of Merchandize vnto Ginney, Binney, and Angola in the parts of Africa, did by His Letters Patents vnder the great Seale of England, incorporate diuers of his louing Subiects both Merchants and others, and did thereby grant vnto them diuers Powers, Licences, Priuiledges and Authorities in the said Letters Patents mentioned; which Letters Patents Wee haue for diuers consideratious and causes Us moouing, caused in a Legall manner and way by iudgement, to be called in, and made voyd, and which are since by Us resumed, determined, repeated and made voyd.
And to the end the sayd Trade and Traffique much importing the good of Our seruice, and the inriching of this Our Kingdome of England, should not bee let fall, and left off, Wee haue by Our Letters Patents vnder Our great Seale of England, bearing date the 25. day of Iune last past, given and granted vnto Our welbeloued seruants and Subiects Sir Richard Young Knight and Baronet, Sir Kenelme Digby Knight, George Kirke Esquire, Humfry Slany, Nicholas Crispe, and William Cloberie of London Merchants, their Executors, Admnistrators and Assignes, the sole Trade and Traffique to Ginney, Binney, and Angola, and all Ports, Hauens, and Creekes thereunto belonging, in the parts of Africa, for the terme of one and thirty yeeres, from the date of Our sayd Letters Patents next ensuing, as in and by the sayd Letters Patents amongst diuers Powers, Prohibitions, and Authorities therein contained, more at large it doth and may appeare.
Now to the end, none of Our louing Subiects may pretend ignorance of Our Royall Pleasure in that behalfe, but that what Wee haue prohibited, commanded, and forbidden by Our sayd Letters Patents, may bee fully knowen and published, and accordingly obserued and obeyed.
[Page] Wee doe therefore hereby straightly charge, inhibite, aud forbid all and euery Our Subiects, of what degree, or qualitie soeuer they bee, that none of them directly, or indirectly, during the sayd terme of one and thirtie yeeres, presume to visite, frequent, trade, or aduenture to traffique into, or from the Lands, Dominions, and places aforesaid, or any of them.
And wee doe also hereby, further straightly Charge, inhibite, prohibite, and forbid aswell all and euery Our Subiects as aforesaid, as all and euery the Subiects of any forreigne Prince, State, or Potentate whatsoeuer, to import or bring in, any Red-Wood, Elephants-Teeth, Hides, Waxe, Gummes, or Graines of those Countreys, or any part thereof, or any other of the Commodities of those Countreys, from any place, or places whatsoeuer, into any of Our Kingdomes, or Dominions (other then the sayd Sir Richard Young, Sir Kenelme Digby, George Kirke, Humfry Slany, Nicholas Crispe, and William Clobery, their Executors, Administrators, Assignes, Deputies, Factors, and Seruants) vpon paine of Our high displeasure, and the forfeiture and losse, both of those goods, and of the Ships which shall import the same, wheresoeuer they shall be found.
And wee doe also hereby charge, prohibite, inhibite, and forbid all and euery the Factors, Masters of Ships, Mariners & Agents of them the said Sir Richard Young, Sir Kenelme Digby, George Kirke, Humfry Slany, Nicholas Crispe, and William Clobery, and of euery of them, and of the Executors, Aministrators and Assignes of them and euery of them, That none of them directly or indirectly during the terme aforesaid, presume to Trade, Aduenture, or Traffique for themselues, or any of them, or for any other person or persons whatsoeuer, (other then the said last Patentees, into, or from the Lands, Dominions and places aforesayd, or in any of them, vpon paine of Our high indignation displeasure, and forfeiture of all such Goods, and vpon such other punishments, as can or may by Law bee inflicted vpon the offendors, for contempt of Our Royall pleasure and command in this behalfe.
And to the end Our commands herein may bee the better performed, obserued and kept, wee doe hereby straitly charge and command, All Our Admirals, Viceadmirals, and all other Our Officers and Ministers of the Admiraltie, and such as haue Admirall Iurisdiction; And all Maiors, Portreeues, Iustices of Peace, Sheriffes, Bailiffes, Constables, Customers, Comptrollers, Collectors, wayters, Searchers, Surueyors, and all other Our Officers, and Ministers whatsoeuer to bee from time to time in all things helping, aiding and assisting, and as much as in them or any of them whom it shall or may concerne lieth, to see Our pleasure herein to bee kept, obserued and performed, as they tender Our pleasure, and will answere the contrarie at their perils, and vpon paine of Our heauie displeasure, and the losse of their and euery of their places.
Giuen at Our Court at Saint Iames, the two and twentieth day of Nouember, in the seuenth yeere of Our Reigne.God saue the King.
¶Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent MAIESTIE: and by the Assignes of Iohn Bill. M.DC.XXXI.