¶ By the King.
¶ A Proclamation for reuoking the Commission concerning Archery.

WHereas Wee taking into Our Princely consideration the great de­cay of the auncient laudable, and vsefull Exercise of Archery, and shoot­ing in the Long-Bow, whereby great victories haue been heretofore atchieued by the English Nation, and of which, good vse might be still made in time of Warre, besides the good meanes by that commenda­ble and healthfull Recreation, to keepe men from other idle sports, and vnlawfull Playes and Games, the common Nurseries of many hatefull Vices, Mischiefes, and disorders in the Realme, did for the better quickening of the execution of a good and wholesome Statue, made in the three and thirtieth yeere of King Henry the eighth, for en­ioyning the vse of Archery, and suppressing vnlawfull Games, grant a speciall Commission vnder the great Seale of England, bearing date the fourth day of April, in the fourth yeere of Our Reigne, directed to Timothy Taylor, Iohn Hubart, Henry Hubart, Gentlemen, and Ieffery Le Neaue, Esquire; Giuing them by the said Commission ample authoritie, for the better execution of the Statute aforesayd, as by the said Commission may more largely appeare. Now Wee are lately informed from seuerall parts of this Kingdome of diuers exactions, and other vnsuf­ferable abuses committed by colour of the said Commission, to the great trouble, disquiet, and discouragement of Our louing Subiects. And therefore Wee, by the aduice of Our Priuie Councell, doe hereby Reuoke, Recall, and absolutely determine the said Commission, and all Du­plicats, and Exemplifications thereof; Straitly charging and commanding, that neither the said Commissioners, nor any other, doe presume from the time of publishing this Proclamation, to put in execution the said Commission, or any Duplicate or Exemplification thereof, nor to doe, or attempt any thing by reason or colour thereof, vpon paine of Our heauy indignation and displeasure, and such punishment as may iustly be inflicted for so high a contempt. Neuerthelesse, it is Our will and pleasure, that all Maiors, Sheriffes, Iustices of Peace, Constables, and all o­ther Our Officers within their seuerall Offices and Iurisdictions respectiuely, doe with all due care and diligence, aduance and further the said auncient and commendable exercise of Archery, and the due execution of the said Statute, whereby idlenesse & vnlawful Games, and many enor­mous vices arising thereby, may be repressed, to the generall good of Our Kingdome. And that it may appeare how much Wee abhorre and detest these abuses which haue been committed, to the grieuance of Our Subiects, by abusing the sayd Commission, Our further will and pleasure is, that all Our Iudges, Iustices of Peace, and other of Our Officers and Ministers, to whom it doth or may appertaine, doe vpon Complaint made of any the offences or abuses committed by colour of the said Commission, not onely punish the Delinquents, but giue such remedy and redresse to the parties grieued, as to Law and Iustice shall appertaine.

God saue the King.

❧ Imprinted at London by ROBERT BARKER, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie: And by the Assignes of IOHN BILL. M.DC.XXXI.

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