WHereas Alexander Leighton, a Scottish-man borne; who was lately Sentenced by the Honourable Court of Starre-Chamber, to pay a great Fine to His Maiestie, and to vndergoe corporall punish­ment, for Writing, Printing and publishing a very Libellous and Scandalous Booke against the King and his gouernment, hath this 11 th. day of Nouem­ber, escaped out of the Prison of the Fleete, where hee was a prisoner: These are in His Maiesties name to require and command all Iustices of Peace, Maiors, Sheriffes, Bailiffes, Customers, Searchers, and Officers of the Ports, and all others His Maiesties louing Subiects, to vse all di­ligence for the Apprehending of the said Alexander Leighton, and being Apprehended, safely to keepe him in custody, vntill His Maiesty shall receiue notice thereof, and shall giue further direction concerning him: Hee is a man of a low stature, faire complexion; hee hath a yellowish Beard, a high Forehead, betweene forty and fifty yeeres of age.

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