❧ By the King.

WHereas seuerall Troopes and Companies of Our Subiects, English and Scottish Souldiers, lately imployed in the Seruice of the States Generall of the Vnited Prouinces, hauing done the dutie of honest men during their said imployment, are now licenced, and returne daily home; To the end they may not remaine vnprofitable to themselues, and a bur­den to Our Cities of London and Westminster, and other good Townes, where many of them are already arriued. Wee haue thought fit, and doe hereby publish and declare Our Royall pleasure in that behalfe, strictly charging all the said Souldiers so returning, that foorthwith after the publishing of this Our Proclamation, or after their arriuall, as they shall come hereafter, they repaire to their dwelling places, if they haue any, or otherwise to the Townes, Parishes, and places where they were borne, there to bestow and imploy themselues in their wonted and lawfull vocations, or in some lawfull Trade or course of life, vntill We shall haue occasion to call them to Our Seruice: And to that purpose, We doe charge all Maiors, Sherifes, Iustices of Peace, Constables, Head-Boroughs, and all other Our Officers, Ministers, and louing Subiects, as well to assist the said Souldiers in their Passing and Iourney homewards, so long as they shall well and peaceably behaue themselues, without offence to Our Lawes, or disturbance to the rest of Our people, as also being returned to their said seuerall Countries, and abodes, to treat them with all charitable respects due to men, who haue faithfully serued the Allies of their Prince and Countrey. But on the other part, We doe also make knowne hereby vnto the said Souldiers, that if any of them, contrary to this Proclamation, shalbe found lingering and staying in or about Our said Cities of London and Westminster, or other good Townes, not being the place of their birth or abode, after such time as they may well take knowledge of the publication thereof, or remaine vpon the way into their seuerall Countries or otherwise, either in Company or single, longer then is fit for trauel­ling-men; Our expresse command is, such person or persons so offending, shalbe punished according to the Lawes and Statutes in that case prouided: Whereof We do straightly charge euery one, whom it doth or may concerne in their seuerall places, to take notice, and duly to obserue and performe Our Royall pleasure in the premisses, at their perill.

God saue the King.

❧ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, and Iohn Bill, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie.


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