By the King.
A Proclamation for the better discouery and apprehension of those Malefactors, who were Actors in the late insolent Riots and Murders committed in
Fleetstreet, London, vpon Friday, the tenth day of this instant moneth of Iuly.
WHereas vpon Friday, the tenth day of this instant Moneth, vpon the occasion of an Arrest then made by the Sheriffes Officers of the Citie of London, diuers insolent Assaults and Tumults were made and raised vpon the Constables and Watches of the Citie, whereupon much bloodshed, and the barbarous murther of diuers of Our louing Subiects hath insued, and those insolencies so long continued, and at the last grew to such height, that there was an open and violent resistance and opposition made against Our Lord Maior of London, and Our Sheriffes of Our Citie, assisted with some of the trained Bands necessarily drawne forth to suppresse those outrages, which were committed rather in Rebellious then in a Riotous manner; We hauing taken these affronts to Justice, and to Our publique Officers and Ministers, into our Princely consideration, and hauing already giuen a strict Charge and Command for the due examination of these so bold and audacious attempts, and finding by the returne of those, whose paines Wee haue imployed in that Seruice, that very few of the principall Actors can by their industry bee yet taken or discouered, and, Wee bring resolued, in a case of this extraordinary qualitie and consequence, to proceed according to the strict rule of Iustice, against all those who shall bee found to bee the Offendors, that by their examples others may hereafter be warned not to dare to runne into the like:
[Page]To the end therefore that those malefactors may not be concealed, and so escape their due punishments, These are to Will and Command, all and euery Our Louing Subiects whom it may concerne, especially the Chirurgions, in, or neere Our City of London or Westminster, who haue, or since that day had, any hurt or wounded men in their Cure, that they and euery of them vpon their allegiance to Us, and the duty they owe to the Publike peace of Our State, and vpon paine of such punishments, as by Our Lawes, or by Our Prerogatiue Royall ran be inflicted vpon them, for their neglect herein, doe foorthwith vpon publication of this Our Royall pleasure, discouer to the Lord President of Our Priuie Councell, or to one of Our principall Secretaries of State, the names of all such persons as they know, or by probable coniecture, doe suspect to have beene Actors in any of those late tumults, and the places of their abidings, and that they, and all other persons whatsoeuer, doe their best indeauours, to detaine or apprehend them, or cause them to bee detained or apprehended without expecting any further or other Warrant in that behalfe, and by name that they apprehend, or cause to bee apprehended, wheresoever they shall be found, Captaine Vaughan, Henry Stamford, and one Ward, an Ensigne, that so they and euery of them, may bee ready to answere such matters, as on Our behalfe shall be obiected against them; Hereof all and euery persons, whom it may concerne in their seuerall places, are to take notice, and carefully to obserue the same, at their vttermost perills.
Giuen at Our Court at Whitehall, the eighteenth day of Iuly, in the fift yeere of Our Reigne, of Great Britaine, France, and Ireland.
God saue the King.
¶Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. M.DC.XXIX.