❧ By the King.
A Proclamation for the better ordering of those who repaire to the Court, for their cure of the disease, called,
The Kings Euill.
WHereas, by the grace and blessing of God, the Kings and Queenes of this Realme, by many ages past, haue had the happinesse, by their sacred touch, and inuoration of the Name of God, to cure those, who are afflicted with the disease called The Kings Euill; And His now most excellent Maiestie, in no lesse measure then any of his Royall Predecessors, hath had good successe herein, and in His most gracious and pious disposition, is as ready and willing as any King or Queene of this Realme euer was, in any thing to relieue the distresses and necessitie of His good Subiects; yet in His Princely wisedome, foreseeing that in this (as in all other things) order is to bee obserued, and fit times are necessarily to bee appointed for the performing of this great worke of charitie: His most Excellent Maiestie doth hereby publish and declare his Royal will and pleasure to be, That whereas heretofore the vsuall times of presenting such persons to His Maiestie for this purpose, were Easter and Whitsuntide, That from hencefoorth the times shall bee Easter and Michaelmas, as times more conuenient both for the temperature of the season, and in respect of any contagion, which may happen in this neere accesse to His Maiesties sacred Person. And His Maiestie doth accordingly will & command, that from the time of publishing this Proclamation, none presume to repaire to His Maiesties Royal Court to be healed of that disease, before the Feast of S. Michael now next comming.
And His Maiesty doth further wil & command, that all such as hereafter shal come or repaire to the Court for this purpose, shal bring with them Certificats, vnder the hands of y e Parson, Vicar, or Minister and Church wardens, of those seuerall Parishes where they dwell, and from whence they come, testifying according to the trueth, that they haue not any time before beene touched by the King, to the intent bee healed of that disease. And His Maiestie doth straitly charge all Iustices of the Peace, Constables, and other Officers, That they doe not suffer any to passe, but such as haue such Certificates, vpon paine of His Maiesties displeasure. And to the end that all His louing Subiects may the better take knowledge of this His Maiesties pleasure and command, His will is, that this Proclamation be published, and affixed in some open place in euery Market Towne of this Realme. All which, His Maiestie hauing by former Proclamation, vpon the like occasion published, and commanded, he doth now againe command, strictly to be obserued by all and euery person and persons whom it shall or may concerne, vpon such paines and penalties as may be inflicted vpon them for the neglect thereof.
Giuen at Our Court at Greenewich, the eight and twentieth day of Iune, in the Fifth yeere of Our Reigne of Great Britaine, France, and Ireland.
God saue the King.
¶ Imprinted at London by BONHAM NORTON and IOHN BILL, Printers to the Kings most Excellent MAIESTIE. M.DC.XXIX.