¶ By the King.
❧ A Proclamation prohibiting the Exportation of Corne and Graine.
WHereas Wee haue taken into Our Princely consideration, that, by reason of the late vnseasonable weather, the hopefulnesse of the next ensuing Haruest is much indangered, by which, and by the former exportations the Stores of Corne for the prouision of this Kingdome will be much shortened, and the prices may in all probability bee much enhanced; And forasmuch as wee are informed, that the scarcitie of Corne and Graine in the neighbouring Kingdomes and parts, from whence Our Dominions in times of dearth or scarcitie, haue formerly beene furnished, is such, as little hope of reliefe is to be expected from them: Wee therefore, desiring, as much as in vs lieth, by Our timely prouidence, to take care for the preuention of the many inconueniences, which otherwise may ensue, haue thought fit by the aduice of the Lords, and others of Our Priuie Counsell, to declare and publish Our Royall will and pleasure therein.
And Wee doe hereby straitly charge, prohibite, and commaund, that no person or persons whatsoeuer, shall from hencefoorth attempt, presume, or goe about to transport, export, or send away, any Corne or Graine whatsoeuer, out of this Our Realme of England, or from any the Ports, Hauens or Creekes of the same, into any the parts beyond the Sea, vntill Our Royall pleasure bee further declared to the contrary, although the prices of such Corne or graine shall fall out to bee vnder the rate limited by the Statute for Transportation of Corne and Graine in that behalfe; Any former Licence, or other command whatsoeuer to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.
And for the better execution of Our pleasure herein, Wee doe hereby will and command, as well all Mayors, Iustices of Peace, and other Ministers, as all the Officers and Farmers of Our Customes within this Our Realme of England, to take notice of this Our Royall Command, and to see the same duely obserued, as they tender Our pleasure, and will anoyd Our indignation and displeasure for the contrary.
Giuen at Our Court at Greenwich, the second day of May, in the fifth yeere of Our Reigne of Great Britaine, France, and Ireland.
God saue the King.
❧ Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton, and Iohn Bill, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie.