❧ By the King.
❧ A Proclamation for the apprehension of Walter Long, Esquire, and William Strode, Gentleman.

WHereas by Our speciall Command, the Lords, and others of Our Priuie Councell, haue by seuerall Orders of that Board directed and Commanded, that Walter Long, Esquire, late high Sheriffe of the Countie of Wiltshire, and William Strode, Gentleman, sonne of Sir William Strode, of the Countie of Deuon, Knight, for seditious practises and crimes of a high nature, committed by them against Vs, should be ap­prehended and brought before them, to answere for the said offences; but the Messengers of Our Chamber, imployed in that Seruice, ha­uing vsed much diligence for their apprehension, haue returned in vaine, and neither of them are yet apprehended, nor haue yeelded themselues, as in dutie they ought to haue done; But haue withdrawne and hid themselues in such manner, as that the Messengers cannot find them out. Wee there­fore, by the aduice of Our Priuie Councell, haue thought fit, by this Our publique Proclamation, to declare Our Royall pleasure and Command; That the said Walter Long, and William Strode, and either of them, doe foorthwith render themselues to the Lords of Our Priuie Councell, be­fore them to answere for their said offences: To which, if they shall not presently yeeld obedience; Wee doe further straightly Charge and Command all and euery Our Iustices of Peace, Ma­iors, Sheriffes, Constables, and other Our Officers, Ministers, and louing Subiects, That they, and euery of them, doe vse all diligence to apprehend them, and either of them, and being apprehended, to bring them immediately before Our Priuie Councell, there to answere vnto such matters, as on Our hehalfe shall bee obiected against them, and either of them. And Our further Command is, that in the meane time none presume to receiue, harbour, or enter­taine the said Walter Long, and William Strode, or either of them, vpon paine of Our high displeasure, and such further punishment, as shall be iust for so high a Contempt.

God saue the King.

¶ Imprinted at London by BONHAM NORTON and IOHN BILL, Printers to the Kings most Excellent MAIESTIE. M.DC.XXIX.

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