¶ By the King.
❧ A Proclamation about the dissoluing of the Parliament.
WHereas Wee, for the generall good of Our Kingdome, caused Our High Court of Parliament to assemble and meete, by Prorogation the twentieth day of Ianuary last past, sithence which time the same hath been continued: And although in this time, by the maleuolent dispositions of some ill affected persons of the House of Commons, Wee haue had sundry iust causes of offence and dislike of their proceedings; yet Wee resolued with patience to trie the vttermost, which Wee the rather did, for that We found in that house a great number of sober and graue persons, well affected to Religion & gouernment, & desirous to preserue Vnitie and Peace in all parts of Our Kingdome. And therefore, hauing on the fiue and twentieth day of February last, by the vniforme aduice of Our Priuie Counsell, caused both Houses to bee adiourned vntill this present day, hoping in the meane time, that a better and more right vnderstanding might bee begotten betweene Vs and the members of that House, whereby this Parliament might haue a happy end and issue.
And for the same intent, We did againe this day command the like Adiournment to bee made, vntill the tenth day of this moneth: It hath so happened by the disobedient and seditions carriage of those said ill affected persons of the House of Commons, That We, & Our Regall authoritie and commandement, haue beene so highly contemned, as Our Kingly Office cannot beare, nor any former age can parallel. And therefore it is Our full, and absolute resolution, to dissolue the same Parliament; whereof Wee thought good, to giue notice vnto all the Lords Spirituall and Temporall, and to the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses of this present Parliament, and to all others whom it may concerne, that they may depart about their needfull affaires, without attending any longer here. Neuerthelesse, Wee will that they, and all others should take notice, that We doe, and euer will distinguish betweene those, who haue shewed good affection to Religion and Gouernment, and those that haue giuen themselues ouer to Faction, and to morke disturbance to the peace, and good order of Our Kingdome.
Giuen at Our Court at White-Hall, This second day of March, in the fourth yeere of Our Reigne of Great Britaine, France, and Ireland.
God saue the King.
¶ Imprinted at London by BONHAM NORTON and IOHN BILL, Printers to the Kings most Excellent MAIESTIE. M.DC.XXVIII.