❧ By the King.
¶ A Proclamation, for the suppressing of a Booke, intituled, Appello Caesarem, or, An Appeale to Caesar.

WHereas Wee, out of Our care to conserue and maintaine the Church, committed to Our Charge, in the vnity of true Religion, and the bond of peace, and not to suffer vnnecessary disputes, which may trouble the quiet both of Church and State, haue lately caused the Ar­ticles of Religion to bee reprinted, as a rule for auoyding of diuersities of opinion, and for the establishing of consent in true Religion; We, conti­nuing Our desire to compasse this wished effect, and considering that the Booke written by Richard Montague, now Bishop of Chichester, then but Batchelor of Diuinitie, intituled, ( Appello Caesarem, or, An Appeale to Caesar,) and published in the yeere (1625.) was the first cause of those dis­putes and differences, which haue sithence much troubled the quiet of the Church; haue thought it fitting to ta [...] away the occasion by calling in the said Booke: And therfore, We doe hereby will and straightly command all and singular persons whatsoeuer, who haue, or shall haue any of them in their hands or custodie, that vpon paine of Our high displeasure, and the consequence thereof, they doe deliuer the same presently vpon this publication, to the Lord Bishop of the Did­cesse, or his Chancellor, if it bee out of the Vniuersities, or if it be in either of the two Vniuersities, to the Chancellor or Vice-chancellor there, whom Wee straightly command to suppersse the same; hoping thereby, that men will no more trouble themselues with these vnnecessary questions, the first occasion being taken away: But if Wee shall bee deceiued in this Our expectation, and that by reading, preaching, or making Bookes, either pro or contra, concerning these differences, men begin anew tO dispute, Wee shall take such order with them, and those Bookes, that they shall wish they had neuer thought vpon these needlesse Controuersies.

God saue the King.

¶ Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton, and Iohn Bill, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie, M.DC.XXVIII.

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