❧ By the King.
¶ A Proclamation for the apprehension of Richard Smith, a Popish Priest, stiled, and calling himselfe, the Bishop of Calcedon.

FOrasmuch as VVee certainely vnderstand, that Richard Smith, an English man borne, by profession a Popish Priest, now is, and, for some yeeres past, hath been in this Realme, and here not onely peruerteth Our Subierts in their Religion, but doth also both by his writings in Print, and otherwise, & by his continuall practise, perswade those Our Subiects, to whom he hath accesse, from their Alleagiance to Vs, their Liege Lord, and vsurpeth to himselfe Episcopall iurisdiction from the Sea of Rome, and ex­erciseth the same within this Kingdome, and holdeth continuall Intelli­gence with Our enemies, wherby, according to the iust Lawes of this Realme, hee hath committed the offence of high Treason: And yet neuerthelesse, diuers of Our Subiects seduced by him, doe receiue, harbour, and entertaine him, contrary to Our Lawes, and haue thereby incurred, and doe incurre the penalty of those Lawes, which are capitall to the offenders. We therefore beeing iustly prouoked by the boldnes of the sayd Smith, doe hereby strait­ly command all Our louing Subiects, of whatsoeuer condition, qualitie, or degree, that none of them directly or indirectly doe permit, or suffer him to bee concealed, or harboured, but that forth­with they arrest and apprehend his bodie, and bring him before the next Iustice of Peace, to the place where hee shall bee apprehended, whom Wee straitly command to commit him to prison without Bayle or Maineprise, and presently thereupon informe Vs, or Our Priuie Counsell, of his apprehension.

And We doe further declare hereby, that if any person shall hereafter directly or indirectly har­bour or conceale the sayd Smith, or vse, or conniue at any meanes, whereby the sayd Smith may es­cape from beeing apprehended or arrested, that then Wee shall extend the vttermost seueritie of Our Lawes against euery such offendor. And Wee further charge and command all and singu­lar Our Iudges, Iustices of Peace, Maiors, Sherifs, Constables, and all other Our Officers, Ministers, and louing Subiects, that if they shall finde any person offending herein hereafter, that then they and euery of them proceede with all diligence and roundnes, not onely against the sayd Smith, but also against all such as shall harbour, conceale, or conniue at his concealement, or shall not vse their best indeauours for his discouery and apprehension, according to the vttermost extent of Our Lawes.

God saue the King.

¶ Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton, and Iohn Bill, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. M.DC.XXVIII.

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