❧ By the King.
¶ An Abstract of the seuerall Heads and Branches of His Maie­sties Commission of grace, for the securing, setling, and confirming to His Subiects their defectiue Titles, Estates and Possessions; By which His Maiesties Commissio­ners haue power to Compound.

FOr all Mannours, Lands, Tenements, Wastes, Commons, Tithes, arising aswel without any Parishes, as within Parishes, Liberties, Priuiledges, and other Here­ditaments, in the said Commission mentioned, held vnder colour of any defectiue, voide, or insufficient Grant, or Letters Patents of Concealements, procured out of the Crowne, or otherwise meerely intruded vpon, and vsurped without any Grant thereof at all from his Maiestie, or any of his Predecessors.

All Mannours, Lands, Tenements, and other the premisses insufficiently granted out of the Crowne Intaile, whereof the estate taile is not spent, or which haue, or ought to haue descended vpon the Kings Person, or any of his Progenitors, and are insufficiently granted out of the Crowne, or being formerly granted Intaile, the estate taile is spent and determined, and ought to reuert vnto the Crowne.

All Messuages and Cottages built, and Inclosures made, vpon the common High wayes, Streetes, Passages, Wastes and Commons.

All Lands formerly recouered, or deserted from the Sea, or now surrounded with the Sea, and which hereafter may, or shall be recouered, or deserted from the Sea.

Diuers Pastures and Grounds adiacent to his Maiesties Forrests and Parkes, and yet are no parcell of the said Forrests or Parkes, but purchased or vsed by his Maiestie for the vse of his Deere, which sayd Forrests and Parkes being disafforrested, and disparked, and the Deere de­stroyed, the premisses are carried away, without any grant thereof from the Crowne.

All Mannours, Lands, Tenements, and other the premisses, which ought to bee in charge, and are not, but some Fee-Farme Rent answered, as if there were no more due vnto His Ma­iestie, whereas, in trueth, the Land it selfe belongeth vnto the Crowne, or such Lands, and o­ther the premisses, where both the Lands and Rents stand in charge, and the Rent answered, and yet the parties so enioying the sayd Lands, neuer had any Grant thereof from the Crowne, or such Lands, and other the premisses where the Lands stand in charge, as Lands, and yet the Rents stand not in charge, nor haue beene answered vnto the Crowne by them that pretend Interest in the sayd Lands.

The Commissioners to sell any of the premisses (which are not setled by the a­foresaid Act) in Fee-Simple, Fee-Farme, Fee-Taile for terme of life, liues, or yeeres, (as the Case shall require) vnto the present Possessors of the Inheritance: But vp­on their refusall, or wilfull neglect of this His Maiesties intended grace, the said Com­missioners to sell any of the aforesayd premisses to such others as shall bee Suitors for the same: And for the Surrounded Grounds, and such like, where there is no present Possessors, to such as will compound for the same.

And where the Tenure appeareth vpon Record, the former Tenure is to bee re­serued; But where no Tenure appeareth, there the Tenure is to be in Soccage.

And Robert Typper, of Grays Inne, his Maiesties Seruant, is to attend the sayd Commissioners in the execution and prosecution of the sayd Commission.

God saue the King.

❧ Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton, and Iohn Bill, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie.


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