❧ By the King.
❧ A Proclamation declaring His Maiesties Royall pleasure touching the English Souldiers late imployed at Sea in His Seruice, and now discharged.

WHereas His Maiestie hath lately imployed in His Seruice at Sea, seuerall Troups and Companies of English Souldiers, and hath now vpon their returne payd vnto them their Wages, and entertainment due, and discharged them from His Seruice, and furnished them with printed Passes, and money in their purses for their necessary charges in their returne to the places mentioned in their Passes; Now to the end that no idle wandering, or dissolute persons, vnder colour of hauing beene Souldiers, or of trauailing home to their friends or habitations, should slander that profession, and bee burthensome or offensiue to His good Subiects: His Maiestie hath thought fit, and doeth hereby pub­lish and declare His Royall pleasure and proceedings in that behalfe, and doeth hereby charge, and strictly command, all the Souldiers so lately imployed, and now payd, and discharged as a­foresayd, that according to their seuerall Passes, and the dayes thereby limited vnto them, they vse all conuenient diligence, and endeauour to returne to their seuerall places mentioned in their Passes, & there bestow & employ themselues in their honest Vocations, vntill His Maiestie shall haue some other occasion to vse their Seruice. And His Maiesty doth further charge & command all and singular Mayors, Sheriffes, Iustices of Peace, Constables, Headboroughs, and all other His Maiesties Officers, Ministers, and louing Subiects, that if any of the sayd Souldiers, or any other, vnder the name or pretence of hauing been a Souldier, shall at any time hereafter bee ta­ken without a Passe, or hauing a Passe shal be taken begging, or wandering contrary to the Law, or in any sort misbehauing, or misdemeaning himselfe, that then, and in euery such case vpon no­tice thereof giuen or taken in that behalfe, they shall bee corrected and punished according to the Law, and according to the nature or qualitie of the offence; Whereof, euery one whom it doeth or may concerne, in his seuerall place, is hereby to take notice, and duely to obserue and performe His Maiesties Royall pleasure and command, in all and euery the premisses, at his perill.

God saue the King.

❧ Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton, and Iohn Bill, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie.


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