❧ An Abstract of his Maiestie Letters Patents, Graunted vnto
Thomas Symcocke.
WHereas the Kings most Excellent Maiestie hath beene graciously pleased, by his Highnesse Letters Patents, bearing date the 20. day of August, 1628. to Craunt vnto Thomas Symcocke, his Assignes and Deputies for the Terme of One and Thirtie yeeres, full and sole power and Priuiledge, to Imprint, Impresse, Role stampe, worke, publish, vtter, sell, distribute and disperse, within his Maiesties Realme of England, and the Dominion of Wales, all Briefes for Collections. and other things whatsoeuer vpon one side onely, of one or more sheete or sheetes of paper, Skinne or skinnes of parchment or any part thereof, as by the said Letters Patent more at large may appeare.
His Maiestic by the said Leters Patents hath also prohibited all manner of persons whomsoeuer (other then the said Thomas Symcocke his Executors, Administrators. Deputses and Assignes) to Imprint, or Impresse, Role, stampe, or worke, or to vtter, sell distribute, publish abroad or disperse within England and Wales, any of the things granted, vpon paine of Forfeiture of allsuch matters and things, as they shal Imprint, Role, stamp or worke, or shall vtter, sell, distribute, publish abroad, or disperse, contrarie to the said Inhibition: the same bee seazed vpon and taken by the said Toom is Symcocke, his Executors, Administrators, Deputies, Factors, or Assignes, to and for their onely vse and v [...] and vpon other paines and penalties, in the said Letters patents expressed.
And also hath further inhibited all manner of persons during the said Tearme, from bringing or importing into the said Realme of England, or Dominion of Wales, or any other his Maiesties Dominions, or any other the parts beyond the Seas any of the things graunted, or to put the same or any part thereof so Transported (as aforesaid) to sale, or to bevttered, published or dispersed within the said Realme of England or Dominion of Wales, vpon paine of Forfeiture for euery such offence, to the vse of his Maiestie, his Heires and Successors, the summe of Fortie shillings, ouer and besides the said things imported or put to sale (as aforesaid) contrarie to the said Letters Patents.
And also his Maiestie hath farther by the said Letters Patents, charged and commanded all Mayors, Sheriffes, Iustices of the Peace, Bayliffes, Constables, and all other Officers, Miarsters, and Subiects whatsoeuer. and also the Master, Keepers, Wardens, and Commonaltie of the Art and mysteric of Stationers of the Citie of London, that they and euery of them shall at all times, during the said Terme (being thereunto required) be ayding and assisting vnto the said Thomas Symcocke, his Executors, Ad ninistrators, Deputies, Factors, and Assignes, in the viewing, searching, finding out, seazing and taking away of all such matters and things, as shall be Imprinted, roled, stamped, worought, published or done, or be vttered, sold or imported, into any part of the said Dominions (as aforesaid) contrarie to the meaning of the said Letters Patents.
And also to be ayding and assisting as aforesaid, in the taking, seasing, carrying away, Defacing and making vnseruiceable, of all such Printing-presses, Roling presses, Stamps, and other Instruments or things whatsoener, which shall be found to be v [...]ed in or about the Imprinting, Roling, stamping, working, or doing of any the things granted, contrarie to the true meaning of the said Letters Patents and Decree in the Star chamber concerning Printing, by which Decree all Persons are prohibited to Print contrarie to any Letters Pattents, granted or to be granted vpon such penalties and forfeitures as in the said Decree is expressed.
And hath also inhibited, that no peason doe presume to Imprint, Worke, Role, Stampe vpon both sides of the Paper or Parchment, or vtter, sell or dispose of any of the things granted, which hath not heretofore beene vsually Printed vpon both sides of Paper or Parchment, or to vse any other fraude or sinister practise whatsoeuer, tending to the hinderance or preindice of the said Thomas Symcocke, his Executors, Administrators or Assignes, concerning the things granted, vpon paine of Forfeiture of the same.
- All Briefes for Collections.
- All Publications, concerning any Letters Patents.
- Indentures for Apprentises, Water-workes, Drayning of Lands, and other things.
- All Bonds and Recognizances for Victualers, Alehouse-keepers and other.
- Lycences to Collect or gather by.
- Lycences for Victuallers.
- Lycences for selling of Wines.
- Lycences for Marriages, and all other Lycences.
- All Bonds, Bils and Acquittances for payments, or Receites of Money.
- Articles concerning the Visitatition of Bishops, Archdeacons, or their Officials.
- Bils for teaching of Schollers.
- Bils concerning Phisitians, Chyrurgions, or others.
- All Bils for Playes, Challenges,
- Prises, Sports, or shewes whatsoeuer
- All Epitaphes, Inscriptions, or other Copies, either in Prose or verse.
- All Portratures and Pictures whatsoeuer.
- Ballads.
- And all other Copies, Chartes, and things whatsoeuer, viz.
- Bils of Lading.
- Mappes.
- Parriters Bils.
- Writs & Warranrs for Sheriffes, and Iustices of the Peace.
- Sicknesse Bils.
- Bils for the Court of Conscience. And all other Chartes, Copies and things, by what Name or Title soeuer they are called or knowne, to be Imprinted, Roled, Stamped or done vpon the one side of Paper or Parchment, or any part thereof, in Secretarie hand, or otherwise.
And if any shall haue occasion to vse the premisses, let them repaire to the House of Master Hardwicke, at the Signe of the Mayden Head, next vnto the Green-Dragon Tauerne on the South side of S. Paules, wher they shal be reasonably dealt with for the same.
AT LONDON, Printed by Thomas Symcocke Cum Priuilegio. 1628.
God save the King.