❧ By the King.
❧ A Proclamation directing how Prisoners shall bee ordered which are taken at Sea, by men of Warre.

FOrasmuch as during the Hostility betweene Vs, and the Kings of France and Spaine, diuers of their Subiects haue been taken at Sea, and brought into this Kingdome, as Prisoners, by priuate men of Warre, and there suffered to passe vp and downe freely, whereby they haue opportunity to obserue all passages of those things which happen heere, to conferre with Our ill affected Subiects, and to cor­rupt them, and to view the situation and condition of the Ports and places of this Land, fittest for Inuasion, whereby great preiudice may growe to Vs, and to Our State, if it shall not bee preuented.

Wee therefore, by the aduice of Our Priuy Counsell, doe hereby declare Our Royall pleasure and commaund, that all such persons as tither already are, or any time hereafter shall be brought into this Kingdome by any priuate man of Warre, as Prisoners, shall bee kept in Prison and safe custodie, at the charge of those who shall so bring them in, vntill they shall hence bee deliuered, and sent backe vnto their seue­rall Countreys, either by way of Exchange for Our Subiects, which shall happen to bee Priso­ners there, or otherwise. And heereof euery one whom it doeth or may concerne, are to take notice, and duely to obserue the same, as they tender Our heauie displeasure, and will answere their neglect thereof, at their vttermost perils.

God saue the King.

❧ Imprinted at London by BONHAM NORTON and IOHN BILL, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. M.DC.XXVIII.

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