¶ By the King.
¶ A Proclamation for His Maiesties better Seruice, either at Sea, or Land.
WHereas of late diuers persons fit for imployment in Our Seruice, either by Sea or Land, haue withdrawen themselues from the same, to the discouragement of others who are forward therein, and to the great preiudice of those publique actes for which they were designed, and to the dishonour of this Nation, (in former ages both honourable and glorious;) For the preuenting therefore of so great inconuenience, or the due punishment of the offenders, if it cannot otherwise bee preuented, Wee doe hereby straitly charge and command, that no Seaman, or other fit for such imployment, either by Sea or land, doe at any time hereafter, purposely, or willingly withdraw, or absent himselfe at such times, when We haue or shal haue occasion to imprest men for any seruices of that nature, vpon paine of Our heauy displeasure, and of such seuere punishment, as by Law can or may bee inflicted vpon them, and if any person shall hereafter be imprested for Our Seruice, and hauing receiued Prest money, shall afterwards runne away, or withdraw himselfe from the same, Wee hereby publish and declare, that such offenders shall hereafter expect the seuerity of the Law (which is the paines of death) to be inflicted vpon them for the same. And to the end that such as are or shal be imprested for Our Seruice, and in Our Pay, may be assured of all iust and honourable vsage and entertainment, and that none bee vnduely enticed out of Our Seruice (which is for the publique seruice and defence of the whole Kingdome) by any others for prinate Voyages, or other imployments, Wee doe further straitly charge and command, that no Captaine, Master of a Ship, or other person whatsoeuer, doe at any time hereafter presume to receiue into Pay or Seruice, any man formerly imprested into Our Seruice, and that no Captaine, Master of Shippes, or other Officer whatsoeuer, doe hereafter keepe backe, or withhold pay, or other allowance, which shall bee due to any man being in Our Seruice, and vnder Our pay, vpon paine of Our high displeasure, and of the most seuere punishment, which by Law, or in Iustice, can any wayes bee inflicted vpon such as shall dare to doe contrary to this our Royal cōmandement. And We do further straitly charge & command, vpon paine of Our high displeasure that all Maiors, Sheriffes, Iustices of Peace, Constables, Headboroughs, & all other Our officers and ministers, do from time to time vse all diligence to apprehend all such Mariners, Sea-men, Souldiers, & others, now, or at any time hereafter, being in our pay, or imprested for Our Seruice, which shall leaue Our seruice, or wander from the places where they are or shall be appointed to serue or abide, without speciall licence in that behalfe giuen, by such as haue, or shall haue authority & power to grant such Licences, and them & euery of them so being apprehended to send or bring backe to the Fleete or Armie, or place of Rendeuous, where such persons ought to haue been abiding, or otherwise to commit them to the Common Gaole of the County where they shall be taken, or neerest vnto which they shall then be, to the end that euery such offender may bee proceeded against, according to the law, for such their offences and misdemeanours.
Giuen at Our Court at White-Hall, the seuenteenth day of Iune, in the fourth yeere of Our Reigne of Great Britaine, France, and Ireland.
God saue the King.
¶ Imprinted at London by BONHAM NORTON and IOHN BILL, Printers to the Kings most Excellent MAIESTIE. M.DC.XXVIII.