¶ By the King.
¶ A Proclamation for the repressing of disorders of Marriners.

WHereas the Marriners lately imployed in our seruice, might not be dismissed, vntill due satisfaction made of their wages, and We haue, and still doe take care with all the speed Wee may, to discharge, and make payment of their entertainements, and in the meane time see to prouide for them, that they may not want that which is necessary for their lodging and dyet, fitting for their quality: And as it is fit, that whilest they remaine in Our pay, they should be restrained from those outrages, and tumultuous assemblies, which they dayly runne into, vnder pretence of their wants. And whereas, by the aduice of Our Priuie Counsell, We haue already giuen order to the deputy Lieute­nants, and Iustices of Peace of Our County of Middlesex, for the billetring of the said Marri­ners, in, and about the Townes, of Wapping, Ratcliffe, Limehouse, Blackwall, and Stepney, in Our said County, to the end the same may be orderly performed: These are to will and command, that the Purser of euery Ship, with two, or three onely of the Officers of the Ship, bringing with them a true list of the number, & names of the Marriners of the seuerall Ships respectiuely, shall re­paire to the Commissioners of Our Nauy, and shall from them receiue Tickets, directing each Marriner contained in the said List, to the place & house where he is to be Billeted; vpon receipt of which Ticket, by each Marriner from the Purser, he is to repaire to the place directed by such Ticket, where he shall bee prouided of meate, drinke, and lodging, according to the rate of three shillings and sixe pence the weeke, which we will iustly and duely satisfie.

And We doe further will and command, that no Marriner doe presume to make their addresse to Our said Commissioners, or any others, vnder pretence of want of their wages, or prouision for them, in greater numbers, or otherwise, then as aforesaid; And if they, or any of them or any others vnder that pretext, shall from henceforth presume to assemble together in multitudes, or commit any outrages, or disorders, as formerly they haue done, Wee doe further will and com­mand, That the Lord Maior, and Aldermen of Our Citie of London, within the said Citie and Liberties thereof, and the Lords Lieutenants, and Deputy Lieutenants of Our said Countie of Middlesex, and Counties adiacent, doe rayse and arme their Trained Bands respectiuely, and doe therewith repell their insolencies, and assaile them in hostile manner, as rebels to the State, and enemies to the common Peace, and Gouernment of the same, Of which Our Royall com­mand, in, and concerning the premisses, We doe hereby will and require all and euery person and persons, to take knowledge, and thereunto to yeeld due obedience, at their vttermost perils.

God saue the King.

❧ Imprinted at London by BONHAM NORTON, and IOHN BILL, Printers to the Kings most Excellent MAIESTIE. M.DC.XXVII.

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