¶ By the King.
¶ A Proclamation declaring the Kings Royall pleasure for the Assembling of the Parliament.

WHereas, for many most important Causes, Wee haue resolued to assemble Our high Court of Parliament, and to that purpose haue already sent foorth Our Writs to summon the same, and haue ap­pointed the day of that great Assembly, to be vpon the seuenteenth day of March now next comming; And whereas for the timely prepa­ring and setting to Sea of a powerfull Nauie, Wee had directed Our Letters to bee sent vnto all the Counties, Cities, and Corporate townes of this Our Realme, and Our Priuy Seales to diuer parti­culer persons, thereby acquainting them with the necessities of those preparations for Our iust defence against Our Potent enemies, who haue strongly combined themselues against Vs and Our friends and Allyes, and therefore re­quiring their chearefull and speedy aide in a case of such infinite importance: Wee, hauing se­riously weighed these things with all the due circumstances thereof, knowing that delay in matters of this quality and consequence might destroy the worke, and that the opportunitie of time once lost is irrecouerable, haue therfore determined to stay the execution and sending forth of those Letters, and also of the priuy Seales, except to Strangers only, and wholly to rely vpon the loue of Our peope in Parliament, and not to deferre their assembling for this, or any other occasion, beyond the said first day for that purpose appointed. And because there may be no mis­taking or misunderstanding of Vs, or of Our resolutions herein, Wee haue thought fit, by the aduice of Our Priuie Councell by this Our Royall Proclamation to publish the same, hereby requiring the members of both the Houses of Parliament, who are to be the great Councell of Vs and Our Kingdome, not to faile of their attendance vpon the said seuenteenth day of March now next ensuing, lest being misled by rumors of Proroguing of the Parliament vnto a further day, or for any other respect, the publike seruice of the Kingdome, wherein Wee and Our people haue so great an interest, might suffer by their neglect.

God saue the King.

¶ Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. M.DC.XXVII.

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