¶ A Proclamation for the Apprehension of Iohn Holland, and Robert Blow, Gentlemen, late seruants to the Earle of Lincolne.

FOrasumch as John Holland, and Robert Blow, late seruants to the Earle of Lincolne, the first in the place of Steward of his Lordships house, & the other Clerke of his [...]chin, haue lately committed diuers notable misdemean [...]rs, to the danger of this State, and happy peace therof coutrary to that duety and Allegiance which they ought to beare vnto Vs doe now lurke and keepe themselues close in some secret place or places, and will not submit themselues to Iustice, to the great abuse and insufferable contempt of Vs, and Our Regall authoritte; Wee haue thought fit, by the aduice of Our Priuie Counsell, for speciall rea­sons of State, to publish the same to all Our louing Subiects, not doubting of their care and forwardnesse in their discouery and Apprehension: And Wee doe here­by charge and command all and singuler Iustices of the Peace, Maiors, Shiriffes, Bayliffes, Constables, Headboroughs, and all other Our Officers, Ministers and Subiects whatsoeuer, to be diligent in inquiring and searching for the said Iohn Holland and Robert Blow, in all places whatsoeuer, as well within Liberttes as without, whom, (or either of them,) if they shal happen to take, Our will & pleasure is That they cause him or them so apprehended, to be safely carried to the Sheriffe of that Countie, where he or they shall bee so apprehended; and the Shiriffe of that County safely to conuey him or them, which shall be so brought vnto him, vnto the Lords of such further course to be taken with them, as Wee, by the aduice of Our Counsel, shall direct: And hereof they and euery of them, whom it may concerne, are to take special care, as they wil answere the neglect thereof, at their perils, letting all Our louing Subiects knowe, that if any person or persons, after this Our Proclamation published, shal directly or indirectly conceale, harbour, keep, reteine or maintaine the said Iohn Holland, and Robert Blow, or either of them, or shall not vse his or their best endeauour for their Apprehension, aswell by giuing due aduertisement thereof to Our Officers, as by all other good meanes, Wee will (as there is iust cause) proceed against them that shall so neglect this Our commandement, with all seuerity.

God saue the King.

¶ Imprinted at London by BONHAN NORTON and IOHN BILL, Printers to the Kings most Excellent MAIESTIE. M.DC.XXVI.

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