❧ By the King.
❧ A Proclamation for the better making of Saltpeter within this Kingdome.
FOrasmuch as the making of Saltpeter and Gunpowder, within Our owne Realmes and Dominions, is a great safety and benefite to Vs and Our Subiects, assuring Vs of a certaine and sufficient prouision thereof for Our and their defence, whereas the prouiding thereof from forraine parts, cannot but bee full of difficulty and danger, depending vpon the pleasure of other Princes and States, and when Our necessitie shall most require the same, Wee shall be sure to purchase so pretious a Commoditie, at vnreasonable Rates, and bee inforced to pay ready Moneys, to be transported from hence, for the same, to the diminution of the Treasure of Our Realmes: And if none of these inconueniences should happen, yet the bringing thereof by Sea, from forraine parts, is full of perill and hazzard, being subiect to the many casualties of Winde and Weather, the dangers of Shipwracke, and the interception of Pirates and enemies, and these may happen in times of our greatest necessitie and want thereof.
And whereas the practise and making of Saltpeter heretofore within this Kingdome, was, and is such, as tendeth much to the trouble, and grieuance of Our louing Subiects, by digging vp of their dwelling Houses, Douehouses, and other out-houses, and also to their great charge, by remouing of their Liquors, Tubbes, and other Instruments, by cariages from place to place; Of which, although many complaints haue beene made, and often renewed, and all fit courses haue been taken by Vs and Our Priuie Counsell, to ease Our Subiects of this trouble and charge, yet in a case of such ineuitable necessitie, the same cannot yet be totally taken away.
And whereas sithence the first making of Saltpeter within this Realme, vntill this present, notwithstanding all the trouble and charge aforesayd, yet the Vndertakers of the sayd Workes, could neuer heretofore furnish this Realme, with a third part of the Saltpeter requisite for the seruice of Our owne Dominions, especially in times of Warre, and greatest necessity thereof, But Wee, and Our Predecessors and Subiects, haue beene forced for their necessary vse, to seeke supplies thereof from forraine parts, which hath the rather happened, for that many to auoyd the trouble of digging vp their floores, haue purposely preuented the growth thereof, and diuers of the Saltpeter men, haue corruptly made a practise, to take Composition money of diuers, to forbeare digging, or to execute their Commissions, which their partiall course of proceeding, [Page]hath been very offensiue to many of Our good Subiects, and if now the Saltpeter-men should continue in their accustomed course of working, & should striue to prouide so great quantitie of Saltpeter within these our Realmes, for a few yeeres together, as the necessitie of the present times require, they would so impouerish the earth, fit for that purpose, that within a short time, We should bee vtterly destitute of that inestimable Treasure, there being no artificiall meanes vsed for the inriching of the Earth to this vse, the Earth of itselfe, by that which casually happeneth, not being able to engender that matter whereof Saltpeter can be extracted in many yeeres.
And whereas for the redresse of these many inconueniences and grieuances, Sir Iohn Brooke knight, and Thomas Russell Esquire, haue humbly offered their seruice vnto vs, and did vndertake, both to vs, and to the Lords Spirituall and Temporall, assembled in the late meeting in Parliament, by their industry and charge, to make yeerely such quantities of Saltpeter, and of such good condition, as should be sufficient both for Our owne and Our Subiects vses, with supply also of Our forreine neighbours in amity with Vs, if occasion should so require, and that without digging any of Our Subiects houses, or out-houses of any kinde, or charging them at all with cariages, as heretofore they haue beene, and yet are charged, to be effected and brought to passe by a new inuention of them, the said Sir Iohn Brooke and Thomas Russell, And of their abilities to performe the same, they then gaue both to Our selfe and to the said Lords Spirituall and Temrall good probability, and haue sithence made sufficient and demonstratiue proofe thereof.
And Wee haue beene graciously pleased by Our Letters Patents vnder the great Seale of England, bearing date the sixe and twentieth day of Aprill last past, (in compensation of their great paines and expence therein, and for encouragement of them, and all others to bend their studies to so profitable and publique workes, to the defence and benefit of Vs and Our Subiects) to grant to them, the said Sir Iohn Brooke and Thomas Russell, the sole Priuiledge of making Saltpeter, according to their said new Inuention, for diuers yeeres yet to come, with addition of such Priuiledges and ayde on Our behalfe, as the merit of so worthy an vndertaking iustly challengeth at Our hands, especially for their supply of such Requisites, as shall bee therein necessary without charge to Our Subiects.
And now by their humble Petition they haue required none other assistance from Vs, but that they might by Our Royall authority be prouided of sufficient quantities of Vrine, which will bee vsefull for them to the extracting & making of Saltpeter, They the said Sir Iohn Brooke and Thomas Russell, & their assignes, at their charges carrying away the said Vrine, at due and conuenient times, from the seuerall places where the same shall be saued for their vse, vnto the place, or places where they shall haue occasion to vse the same; Which their humble Suite, Wee hauing taken into Our serious and Princely consideration, haue thought fit, in a case of so great consequence, and for the redeeming of so great and continuall a charge and trouble, to Our louing Subiects to grant the same.
And therefore Wee doe hereby publish and declare Our Royall pleasure to bee, and Wee doe strictly charge and command all and euery of Our Subiects, inhabiting within Our Cities of London and Westminster, and the Suburbes of either of them, with the Borough of Southwarke and all other places of the said Cities, and suburbes, aswell within liberties as without (neare vnto which, the said Sir Iohn Brooke and Thomas Russell, haue already erected a worke for the making of Salt-peter,) and also all other Our louing Subiects inhabiting within all and euery other Cities, Townes, and Villages, within this Our Realme of England, That they and euery [Page]of them, from and after notice giuen vnto them seuerally and respectiuely, or left for them at their dwelling houses, shall carefully and constantly keepe and preserue, in some conuenient vessells, or receptacles fit for that purpose, All the Vrine of man during the whole yeere, and all the State of Beastes, which they can saue, and gather together, whilest their Beastes are in their stables or stalles; And that they be carefull to vse the best meanes they may, for the sauing, gathering together, and preseruing of the said Vrine and Stale, without any mixture of water, or other things to bee put therein; Which Our Commandement and Royall pleasure, being so easie to be obserued, and so necessary for the publique seruice of Vs, and Our people, We expect and straitly charge, shall be duely and carefully obserued and performed; And if any person shall be remisse or negligent in the due obseruance hereof, We shall esteeme of all such as persons contemptuous and ill affected both to Our Person and State, and are resolued to proceede to the punishment of euery such offender, with that seuerity which by the Lawes of this Realme, or by Our Prerogatiue Royall Wee may.
Neuerthelesse, Our will and pleasure is, That no person shall incurre any contempt concerning the premisses, vnlesse notice be first giuen, or left vnto or for him or her, as aforesaid, by the Constable or Headborough of that parish or place where such person dwelleth or inhabiteth, and vnlesse the said Sir Iohn Brooke, & Thomas Russell, or their assignes, do once in euery foure & twenty houres in the Summer time, (that is to say) from the first of April, vntill the first day of October, and once in euery eight and fourtie houres in the Winter time, (that is to say) from the first of October, vntill the first of Aprill in euery yeere, carie away the same from those places where the same shall bee so preserued for them: And therefore Wee doe hereby require and command all Constables and Headboroughs, That they and euery of them, vpon request made to them or any of them by the sayd, Sir Iohn Brooke and Thomas Russell, or their assignes, be aiding, assisting, and diligent in the execution of Our pleasure herein before declared, as they and euery of them will answere the contrary at their perils.
Giuen at Our Court at Whitehall, the second day of Ianuarie, in the second yeere of Our Reigne of Great Britaine, France, and Ireland.
God saue the King.
¶ Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. M.DC.XXVI.