¶ A Declaration of His Maiesties cleare intention, in requiring the Ayde of His louing Subiects, in that way of Loane which is now intended by His Highnesse.

WHen, with the Aduice of Our Priuie Counsell, Wee had resol­ued, for the necessary defence of Our Honour, Our Religion, and Kingdomes, to require the Ayde of Our louing Subiects in that way of Loane, for the effecting whereof, Our Commissions are speedi­ly to goe out into the seuerall Counties & Cities of this Our Realme; Wee haue thought it fit, to publish and declare vnto all Our louing Subiects, what Our cleare intention and Royall purpose is thereby, That, what euer the occasions are, for the publike cause both of Reli­gion and State, and how great soeuer, for the common defence, (which are obuious to euery man) and no other possible and present course being to be taken, nor this to bee auoyded, if Wee as a King shall maintaine the cause and party of Religion, preserue Our owne Honour, defend Our people, secure Our Kingdomes, and support Our Allies, all which Wee are tyed to doe by that bond of Souereignty, which vnder God Wee beare ouer you: Neuerthelesse, Wee are resolued, and doe so declare and publish to all Our louing Subiects Our cleare intention to bee, That this course, which at this time is thus inforced vpon vs by that necessity, to which no ordinary course can giue the Law, shall not in any wise be drawen into example, nor made a President for after times.

And because Wee already heare, that some maleuolous persons, who vnder pretence of com­mon liberty, factiously intend nothing but the ruine both of Religion and State, and by delay of present remedie make way to forreine practises, giue out, and scatter their speeches (amongst o­thers) that if this way of raysing Money take place, then no Parliament shal be called hereafter, and that this course may be taken euery yeere, vpon pretence of necessitie and lacke of Money; Wee doe hereby publish and proclaime, That, as Wee will not suffer any such speeches or practises to goe vnpunished, So likewise, that the suddainnesse and importance of the occasions are such, as cannot possible admit Vs so long time, as the Summoning, Assembling, and Resolution of a Parliament will necessarily require, And that it is farre from Our heart, to make any such vse of the loue of Our people, or to make this any annuall or vsuall course of raising Moneys, But that Wee are fully purposed to call a Parliament, so soone as conueniently Wee may, and as often as the Common-wealth and State-occasions shall require it; And that by Our peoples affecti­ons now shewed vnto Vs in this way of necessity, they shall the sooner inuite Vs to the frequent vse of Parliaments, being confident in the hearts of Our people.

God saue the King.

❧ Imprinted at London by BONHAM NORTON and IOHN BILL, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. M.DC.XXVI.

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