A Proclamation for the restraint of the disorderly repaire of Mariners and Souldiers, vnto the Kings Court, or Citie of London.

WHereas diuers Mariners and Souldiers, billited or bestowed in seuerall parts of this Realme, to attend his Maiesties seruice, and diuers other persons of loose life, in their company, & by their exam­ple, haue of late presumed in a very disorderly maner, to come to His Maiesties Court, and doe flocke together in companies and so repair vnto, or towards the Citie of London, which vnsufferable disorder may breed very great inconueniences, if a timely course should not be taken to suppresse the same: His Maiesties therefore, taking these things unto His serious and Princely consideration, by the aduite of His Priuy Counsell, doeth straitly charge and command all Souldiers and Mariners, which now are, or hereafter shall be so billited, or bestow­ed, as aforesaid, That from hencefoorth they presume not, in any disorderly, or tumultuous manner, or by companies or troupes, or otherwise, (without the special leaue of those, who haue, or for the time shall haue, the command of them;) to come to his Maiesties Court, or to repaire vnto, or towards the Citie of London, from those places where they are, or shall be so billited, or bestowed, otherwise then in their necessary passage thither, or from thence to those places, whi­ther they shall be commanded or sent, vntill they shall be duly discharged.

And His Maiesties doeth also straitly charge and command, all such Souldiers and Mari­ners, and all other loose persons, who can giue no good account of their abode in these parts, that foorth with they returne to the places from whence they came, and that they duely obserue his Maiesties Royall Will and pleasure heerein, vpon paine of incurring his Maiesties high indignation, and such further penalties, as by Martial Law is appointed to be inflicted, or may be inflicted vpon offenders in that kinde.

God saue the King.

¶ Imprinted at London by BONHAM NORTON and IOHN BILL, Printers to the Kings most Excellent MAIESTIE. M.DC.XXVI.

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