❧ An Acte to enable the Kings Maiestie to make Leases of Lands, parcell of his Highnesse Dutchie of Cornewall, or annexed to the same.

WHereas the King Our Soueraigne Lord, being in the life time of His Royall Father of blessed memory, seized of the said Dukedome of Cornewall, did bargaine and contract for Leases and Estates to bee made of diuers Messuages, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, parcell of the said Dukedome of Cornewall, which Leases and Estates, His Maiestie was enabled to haue made in His said Fathers life time, by an Acte of Parliament made in the last Session of Parliament, in­tituled, An Acte to enable the most Excellent Prince Charles to make Leases of Lands, parcell of His Highnesse Dutchy of Cornewall, or an­nexed to the same. And because His Maiestie, hauing receiued diuers Fines, and summes of Money, according to the said Contracts, and hauing entred into Treatie with diuers others for like Estates, the finishing of which Contracts, and making the said Lea­ses, was preuented by His Maiesties accesse to the Imperiall Crowne of this Realme, is graci­ously pleased for the good of his poore Tenants of the said Dutchy Lands, to proceed to the full accomplishment of the Contracts, and Leases of the premisses.

Bee it therefore enacted by our said Soueraigne Lord the King, the Lords Spirituall and Temporall, and Commons in this present Parliament assembled, and by authority of this pre­sent Parliament, That all Leases to be made within the space of three yeeres now next ensuing by our said Soueraigne Lord the King, by letters Patents, Indentures, or other writings vn­der His great Seale of England, or Seale of the Court of Exchequer, of any Mannors, Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, parcell of the possessions of the said Dutchy of Cornewall, or an­nexed to the same, shall bee good and effectuall in Law, according to the purport and content of the said Leases, against our said Soueraigne Lord the Kings Maiestie, his Heires and Succes­sors, and against all and euery person or persons, that shall hereafter haue, inherite or enioy the said Dukedome of Cornewall, by force of any Acte of Parliament, or other limitation whatsoeuer.

Prouided alwayes, That euery such Lease so to bee made, of any Mannors, Lands, Tene­ments, or Hereditaments in possession, shall bee made but for three liues or fewer, or for one and thirty yeeres or vnder, or some other terme of yeeres determinable vpon one, two, or three liues, and not aboue. And if such Leases be made in reuersion, That then the same, together with the Estates in possession, doe not exceede three liues, or the terme of one and thirty yeeres, and not in any wise dispunishable of waste: And so as vpon euery such Lease shall be reserued the ancient or most vsuall Rent, or such Rent as hath beene yeelded or paid for the greater part of twenty yeeres next before the making of the said Leases, and shall be reserued due and payable, by, or to him or her that shall haue the inheritance or other Estate, of the said Mannors, Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments. And where no such Rent hath beene reserued or payable, that then, vpon euery such Lease, there shall be reserued a reasonable Rent, not being vnder the twentieth part of the cleare yeerely value of the Mannors, Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments contained in such Lease.

And be it further ordained and enacted by authority of this present Parliament, That all Co­uenants, Conditions, and Reseruations, and other agreements contained in euery Lease so to be made, as aforesaid, shall be good and effectuall in Law, according to the words and contents of the same, aswell for, and against them, to whom the Reuersion of the same Mannors, Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments shall come, as for and against them to whom the said Leases shall come, respectiuely: As if our said Soueraigne Lord the Kings Maiesty at the time of the making of such Couenants, Conditions, and Reseruations, and other agreements were seized of an ab­solute and indefeizible estate in Fee simple, in the same Mannors, Lands, Tenements, or Heredi­taments: Sauing alwayes to all and euery person and persons, bodies Politique and Corpo­rate, their Heires and Successors, Executors, Administrators, and Assignes, (other then our said Soueraigne Lord the Kings Maiesty and his Heires, and all and euery person and persons that shall hereafter haue, inherite, or enioy the said Dukedome of Cornewall, by force of any Acte of Parliament, or other limitation whatsoeuer) all such Rights, Titles, Estates, Customes, Inte­rests, Termes, Claimes, and Demands whatsoeuer, of what kinde, nature, or quality whatsoe­uer, of, in, to, or out of the said Mannors, Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, or any of them, as they or any of them had, or ought to haue had before the making of this Acte, to all intents and purposes, and in as large and ample manner and forme, as if this Acte had neuer beene had or made: This Acte or any thing therein contained to the contrary notwithstanding.

❧ Imprinted at London by BONHAM NORTON and IOHN BILL, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. M.DC.XXVI.

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