¶ A Proclamation commanding all Inhabitants on the Sea-Coastes, or in any Ports or Sea-Townes, to make their speedy repaire vnto, and continue at
the places of their Habitations there, during these times of Danger.
THE Kings most Excellent Maiestie, in his Princely wisedome and prouidence, foreseeing, That if in these times, when an Inuasion is threatned, the Inhabitants on the Seacoastes, and in the Ports, and Sea townes of this Realme of England, and Dominion of Wales, out of an apprehension of danger, should desert the Sea coastes, Ports, or Townes aforesaid, and leauing their wonted Habitations, or places of abode, shall withdraw themselues from thence, when there is most vse of their abiding, and commorancy there; those places would be left as a prey to the enemies, and they inuited to an Inuasion, hauing incouragement before-hand, not not to finde resistance; whereas, if at their first entrance, or attempt to land, they were encountred, it would bee much easier to repell them, then when they shall be landed and intrenched, or put into Array:
His Maiesty therefore by the aduice of His Priuie Counsell, doth straitly charge and command all persons of whatsoeuer quality or degree, who, at any time heretofore within one yeere now last, haue had or made their Residence many of the Port Townes or Sea Townes of this Realme of England, or Dominion of Wales, or on any the Sea Coasts, shall continue their habitations there, with their ordinary Families and Retinue; And that if any of them haue already withdrawne themselues from their wonted habitations in those places, that they doe presently repaire thither againe, and continue and abide there with their Families and Retinues during these times of Hostility and danger, for the better defence and safety of those parts, and of this whole Realme: And His Maiesty doth hereby straitly charge and command, that no person whatsoeuer presume to breake this His Royall command, in, and concerning the Premises, vpon paine of His Maiesties highest displeasure, and of such seuere penalties and punishments, as by the Lawes of this Realme, or by His Highnesse Prerogatiue Royall, can be inflicted vpon such Offendors.
Giuen at His Maiesties Court at White-hall, the tenth day of Iuly, in the second yeere of his Highnesse Reigne of Great Britaine, France and Ireland.God saue the King.
¶ Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. 1626.