¶ By the King.

❧A Proclamation against imbezelling of Armour, Munition, and Victuall, and other Military prouisions.


WHereas by an Act of Parliament, made in the one and thirtieth yeere of the Reigne of Our deare Sister, the late Queene Elizabeth, of famous memorie, it was enacted, That if any person or persons, hauing at any time, after the said Parliament, the Charge or Custodie of any Armour, Ordnance, Munition, Shot, Powder, or habiliments of Warre, of the Queenes Maiesties, Her Heires or Suc­cessors, or of any Uictuals prouided for the Uictualling of any Soul­diers, Gunners, Mariners, or Pioners, shall for any lucre or gaine, wittingly, aduisedly, or of pur­pose to hinder, or impeach Her Maiesties Seruice, imbezell, purloine, or carry away any the said Armour, Ordnance, Munition, Shot, Powder, Habiliments of Warre or Uictuals, to the value of twenty shillings, at one or seuerall times; That then euery such offence shall be iudged Felony, and the Offendor or Offendors therein, to be tryed, proceeded in, and suffer, as in case of Felony.

Forasmuch as it hath beene found by late experience, That, notwithstanding the Penaltie pro­uided for such offences, diuers persons, to whose trust and charge, Armour, Munition, Shot, Powder, Habiliments of Warre, Prouisions of Uictuals, and incidents thereunto, were commit­ted, haue, both before the Ships going foorth, in the time of Our Seruice, and in their returne homewards, (out of a greedy desire of gaine and lucre to themselues) Imbezelled, Purloyned, Conueyed away, and Sold, a good part of the Prouisions and Remaines, of such Armour, Mu­nition, Powder, &c. Uictuals, Bisket, Bagges, Caske, and other Prouisions to them intrusted, to the great hinderance and impeachment of so important a Seruice in hand, and such other Our Seruice, as hereafter may fall out.

[Page] Wee doe therefore signifie Our Royall Will and Pleasure; and doe hereby straitly charge and command all Officers, Ministers, and others now imployed, or hereafter to be imployed in Our seruice, by Land or at Sea, that they presume not to imbezell, purloine, or carrie a shore, at their arriuall at any of Our Ports, or sell any Armour, Munition, Powder, &c. or Uictuals, Iron hoopes, Caske, Bisket, Bags, or other prouisions, which, either are, or hereafter shall be in their charge and custody, as they will auoide the penaltie of the Law prouided against such offen­ders, which they are to expect shall be seuerely inflicted vpon them, and such further punishments as the case shall require.

And Wee doe further charge and command all, and euery person and persons, to take notice, That if any of them shall buy, receiue, or take into his or their possession, any Armour, Muni­tion, Uictuals, or other prouisions, which haue beene, or heereafter shall bee committed to the custodie and charge of any the Pursers, Stewards, Gunners, or other Officers or Mini­sters, now imployed, or heereafter to be imployed in Our seruice, either by Land or Sea, he, or they shall seuerely suffer such condigne punishment, as by the Lawes of this Our Realme is or­dayned, and otherwise, as shall be iust and fit. And Wee doe heereby signifie Our further will and pleasure, That, what person soeuer of Our well affected Subiects, or others, can find out, or iustly informe of any purloynings, or imbezelments, in kind, as before, and giue notice thereof to the principall Officers of Our Nauie, Ordnance, and Munition, shall bee well rewarded for his, or their paines so taken therein.

God saue the King.

¶ Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. M. DC. XXV.

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