❧ By the King.
A Proclamation for the commanding of all Souldiers, lately imployed in the Fleet, vpon their arriuall, not to depart from their Colours.
WHereas diuers of the Ships, which were lately set to Sea in Our Fleete in October last, are expected shortly to arriue in some of Our Ports, in the Westerne parts of this Our Realme, and many of the Land Souldiers, imployed by Vs in that Seruice, are also expected to returne home in those Ships: Forasmuch as Wee shall haue present vse of the Seruice of those Souldiers, who, if they should retire themselues and be dis-banded, could not bee so easily gathered together againe, as the necessitie of their Seruice doth require; Our expresse pleasure therefore is, and Wee doe hereby straitly charge and command, That no Souldier, which was imployed in any of those Ships, vpon their arriuall in any Port of this Our Realme, or in any part of Our Dominions, shall depart from his Colours, or be discharged from his Seruice, vntill Wee shall signifie Our Royall pleasure, when, and how we will vse their further Seruice: And this to be strictly obserued and obeyed by all, whom it may concerne, vpon paine of the seuerest Punishments, Penalties, and Forfeitures, which by the Lawes and Statutes of this Our Realme, or by Our Prerogatiue Royall can be inflicted vpon the Offenders.
Giuen at Our Court at Windsor, the fifteenth day of December, in the first yeere of Our Reigne of Great Britaine, France and Ireland.
God saue the King.
¶ Printed at London by Bonham Norton, and Iohn Bill, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. M.DC.XXXV.