CHARLES by the grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. TO all to whom these Presents shall come, greeting.

WHEREAS the Lords Spirituall and Temporall, now assembled in Parliament vpon the sixt day of this instant moneth of August, entring into a due and Christian consideration of the Wants and Extremities, which many poore people inhabiting in or neere the Cities and Suburbs of London, and Westminster doe vndergoe by reason of the grieuous visitation of the Plague, and the want of necessarie reliefe; made an order, the tenor whereof followeth in these words, viz. In Parliament, Oxon. 6. of August, Anno primo Regis Caroli. The Lords hauing this day taken into their charitable consideration the lamentable distresse of the poore peo­ple, Inhabiting in the Cities and Suburbs of London, and Westminster, and in the Out parishes adjoyning, and in the Parish of Stepney, who in this time of the great contagion of the Plague now rageing in those parts, are lesse subject to good orders, being left destiture of conuenient reliefe, in respect that the rich and able Citizens, and other Inhabitants of all sorts, being departed thence for auoiding the infection, haue not taken sufficient order, for reliefe of the poore people remaining behinde, haue thought fit, and doe now order, ad­uise, and direct, that ouer and besides all prouision already made, there be this further added for their better reliefe, viz. That all per­sons taxed or taxable in the limits and places aforesaid, either for houses, lands, goods, or otherwise towards the reliefe of the poore, [...]eing not to impouerished themselues by this visitation as they shall be forborne to be taxed, shall by the proper Officers be taxed to beare a double proportion of taxe [...] the least, during the times of this Visitation, and more if it shall be found requisite by the Magistrates, Iustices of Peace, or other Officers there abiding for the time: [...]nd after notice giuen to any person so taxed, or left at his house, wheresoeuer he shall be remaining, he is hereby ordered to make due paiment, weekely, or monethly [...]s shall be required: And because it is conceiued, thay very many are remooved so farre from London, as that notice cannot be conueniently giuen with such speed as [...] presently supply the necessitie of the poore; Their Lordships doe desire the Chamber, or Bridge-house of London, to lend and disburse a thousand pounds at the [...] for this purpose. And it is ordered that they, or any charitable and able Inhabitants, laying out that summe, or any farther summes which shall be wanting, shall [...]e [...]ly repayed whatsoeuer they shall disburse, out of the summe so taxed, so soone as they may be leuied, and out of a generall Collection which His Majestie at [...] Lordships humble suite, hath to recommend throughout the whole Kindome for the reliefe of the said Poore: Wherein their Lordships now assembled, will [...]selues set an example for incouragement of others. And to the intent, that the Moneys to be raised by way of taxation (as is first aboue-mentioned) may be the [...] truely and speedily leuied, their Lordships during the time while they shall sit, will be pleased to take knowledge of all Complaints against such as shall refuse to [...] the said Taxation, and punish them so exemplarily, as shall be a terrour to others. And they doe further order, that after the sitting shall end, the Lords of His [...]esties Priuie Councell vpon complaint to them, and the Lord Keeper of the Great Seale of England vpon complaint to him, shall doe the like. And their Lordships [...]ing been informed of the good and charitable course helde by some Companies and others within the City, in forbearing the Companies and Hall-dinners, and tur­ [...]g them vnto the reliefe of the poore, doe highly commend those that haue so done; and doe with their example may be followed by the Lord Major, Sheriffes, and [...] [...]e rest [...] a thing much pleasing to God, and agreeable to the time. Exam. H. Elsing: Cler. Pa [...]liament. AND WHEREAS the said Lords haue freely of them­ [...]s payed downe presently euery of them aboue the state of a Baron, sorty shillings apiece, and euery other of the state of a Baron, being Spirituall or Temporall Lords, twentie shillings into the hands of the right Reuerend Father in God, George Lord Bishop of London, to be disposed of as the rest of the Moneys to be collected [...]or the vse aboue-mentioned:

KNOWYE therefore that We also aboue all other, most grieued at the pitifull and wofull estate of our said poore Subiects, and much commiserating the same, [...] much reioycing in the forwardnesse of our said Lords, towards the performance of so Christian and charitable an action, whose good example wee earnestly desire [...] all other our louing Subjects of qualitie would follow in this behalfe, according to their degrees; Of our Princely Grace, doe ratifie and much approoue their [...] Order so set downe: And in confirmation, and for the execution thereof, so grant, that according to the said Order, Collection may be made of the charitable de­ [...]on and liberalitie of all our louing Subjects, throughout our Realme of England, & Dominion of Wales, in all places whatsoeuer, towards the reliefe of our said poore [...]ects, to be executed in maner and forme following. That is to say, We will, grant, appoint, and require, That. Arthur Ducke Doctour of Law, Chancellour, and [...] Christian Esquire, Principall Register to the said Bishop of London, or his, or their Deputy or Deputies, named and appointed by him or them, in writing vnder or their hands and seales, shall and may procure to be printed so many Briefes of these our Letters Patents, as may suffise for the accomplishing and performance [...] good Worke: And shall cary and shew these our Letters Patents to the said Lord Bishop of London, and shall also leaue with his Lordship so many of these [...]ed Briefes, as there are Churches or Chappels wherein diuine Seruice is vsually said, within his Diocesse of London, And shall send to euery other Archbishop [...] Bishop, so many of the said Briefes, as may serue to be dispersed within their seuerall Diocesses

AND We also require the Lords Archbishops of Canterbury and Yorke, and all and euery Lord Bishop within this our Realme of England, and Dominion of Wales, [...] receiue so many of the said Briefes, as may serue to be dispersed within their seuerall Diocesses, the said Briefes to be sent by the Archbishops and Bishops to the Mi­ [...]ter and Curate of euery Parish Church or [...]appell within their seuerall Diocesses. And Wee also will and require euery Minister and Curate of any Church or Chappell, to whom such printed Briefes shall be deliuered, that without any long delay vpon some Sunday or Holy-day, when the Parishioners be fully assembled to [...] diuine Seruice, they publikely declare in their seuerall Church or Chappell, vnto the Congregation there assembled, the tenure of these Briefes, with an especiall [...]tation to them, to yeeld their liberall and extraordinarie contribution to so charitable a worke. And wee also will and require, you the Churchwardens and ouer­ [...] of the poore, to make diligent collection of the charitable deuotion of the people in the sai Church or Chappell so assembled: And that after collection so made, [...] doe publikely declare in the Church, the whole summe of money so by them collected; and then procure the same summe to be set downe vpon the backeside of [...] Briefe vnder their owne hand, and the hand of the Minister of the said Church or Chappell: And then the said Churchwardens or Ouerseers, or one of them, af­ [...] the receipt of the said money collected, shall deliuer the summe collected, with the said Briefe, vnto such Minister of the Deanery where the said collection shall be [...]ade, as the Lord Bishop of the Diocesse shall assigne and appoint to receiue the same: And the Bishop of euery Diocesse is hereby authorized, to name and appoint a [...]inister in euery Deanery to receiue the said collections accordingly. And Wee also require the said Minister which shall be so appointed, to receiue the said money [...]om the said Ouerseers, that he receiue the same, with the aforesaid Briefe: And that within ten dayes after the receipt thereof, he pay and deliuer the same, with the [...]efe whereby the same hath beene collected, vnto the Lord Bishop to the Diocesse, where such collection is made. And wee also require, the Archbishops and Bi­ [...]ops of euery Diocesse respectiuely, that they require of the said Minister the said money, with the Briefe whereby the same hath beene collected, and deliuer ouer [...] the said collections, made within their seuerall and respectiue Diocesses, with the aforesaid Briefes, to the said Bishop of London or his Deputies, all the said money [...] be disposed of, by the said Lord Bishop of London, with the aduice of any two or more Lords of Parliament, to the satisfaction of the money to be deposited, and [...]de out, according to the said order, and to the reliefe of the poore and distressed people in the said Cities of London and Westminster, and in the Parishes and places [...]jacent and neere thereunto, in the Counties of Middlesex and Surrey, where it is and shall be most needfull: And therein Wee will the Out-parishes, as being most [...]biect to pouertie, infection, and necessitie, be specially regarded: Any Statute, Law, Ordinance or Prouision, heretofore made to the contrary, in any wise not­ [...]thstanding.

IN WITNES whereof, Wee haue caused these Our Letters to be made Patents for the space of one whole yeere, next after the date hereof to endure,


God saue the King.

Printed at Oxford.

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