¶A Proclamation concerning the adiournement of the Parliament.

❧By the King.

THe Kings most excellent Maiesty, hauing taken into his Princely consideration, that the infection of the Plague is at this present so ge­nerally dispersed and spread abroad, in and about the Cities of London and Westminster, as that the Parliament, late assembled at Westminster, could not without manifest perill to the Lords Spirituall, and Tem­porall and Commons there assembled, be continued there, so long as the necessitie of the vrgent and important affaires of his Maiestie and the whole Realme did require; Hath therefore caused the same to bee adiourned from the Citie of Westminster, to be holden at the Citie of Oxford, the first day of August next▪ And hath thought fit here­by to publish and declare the same to all such, whom it may in any wise concerne; Straitly charging and commanding hereby, as well all the Lords Spirituall and Temporall, as also all and euery the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses, of all and euery the Shires, Cities, and Bo­roughs within this Realme of England, and all others whom it may concerne, That they and euery of them doe personally appeare at the said Citie of Oxford, the said first day of August now next ensuing, then and there to proceed in those waighty and vrgent affaires which shall bee there handled, as shall be most expedient for the generall good of his Maiestie and his Realmes.

God saue the King.

¶Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton, and Iohn Bill. Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. ANNO DOM. M.DC.XXV.

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