❧ By the King.

WHereas, out of Our owne obseruance in the late Reigne of Our most deare and Royal Father, We saw much disorder in and about his houshold, by reason of the many idle persons, and other vnnecessary attendants fol­lowing the same; Which euill, We, finding to bring much dishonour ot Our House, haue resolued the reformation thereof, and haue vnder Our hand directed to Our Knight Marshall, a List of the number of all such as sshall be allowed to follow Our said Haushold in their seuerall places & Trades, whereunto they are assigned, vpon good caution first taken for their good behauiour, and performing such other Articles as therein shall be contemed; Whose roomes and places be comming voyd, Our pleasure is, shall be supplied by Our Knight Marshall for the time being: We doe therefore straitly charge and command, That all Tent-kee­pers, Artificers, and Landresses, together with all such idle persons, and hangers on Our House, (others then such, whose particular names are entred in the Roll by Vs signed, as allowed to follow Our House) shall within foure and twenty houres after this Our Proclamation, depart from Our Court, and not returne thither againe, vpon paine of imprisonment, and other corporall punishments, and penalties to be inflicted for their contempts in this behalfe: And Wee require, and straitly charge Our Kningt Marshal, and all Officers, and Ministers vnder him that he and they doe take a dayly and constant suruey of offenders in this kind, to the end that they may bee condignely punished, and that they take care that Our pleasure herein be from tune to time strict­ly obserued, by restraining all others (saue such as are licensed and allowed, as aforesaid) to follow, or haue dependance vpon Our House; And for such Tents as are allowed to follow Vs, Wee will that they be appointed and placed by the direction of Our Kinght Marshall or his deputy, in such manner, as they may be no offence or annoyance to Our Person, or Houshold.

And for such as doe follow, not hauing any dependance at all, Our will and pleasure is, That euery such masterlesse man, shall forthwith depart the Court, vpon paine of whipping.

Also, that all Petitioners, hauing had their answere, do presently depart the Court, vpon paine of imprisonment.

And also, that all seruants whatsoeuer, being put away for misdemeanors, be presented to Our Marshall or his deputie, whereby they may be knowen, and this vpon paine of Our displeasure.

And that no Chamber-keeper, nor any of Our Footmen, or other Our seruant or seruants, shal giue entertainment to any person whatsoeuer, to follow or depend vpon him or them, but such as shalbe allowed, according to Our late Proclamation in that behalfe published, for restraint of disor­derly & vnnecessary resort to the Court. And the better also to suppresse the disorders and abuses happening in Our Court, by reason of Landry-women hauing dayly accesse into Our House, We doe therefore straitly charge and command, that no Landresse shall haue recourse to any Officer, lodging within Our House, but that the Offices and Chambers vnto which they wash, doe send their seruants out vnto them with, and for their linnen; and that all such Landresses as are al­lowed to follow Our House, aswell the Landresse to Our Body, as others, shall follow themselues in person, and not supply their places by their seruants and maides, who liuing with­out gouernement, are the cause and occasion of so great disorder amongst them that follow Vs: And to that end, We will and command Our Porters at Our Gate, to see this Our pleasure to be duely obserued and kept.

And lastly, We straitly require, charge and command Our Knight Marshall to haue an especi­all care for execution of this Our Royall will and commandement, as hee will giue acount to Vs thereof, and tender Our high displeasure, for neglect of this seruice so acceptable vnto Vs.

God saue the King.

¶ Imprinted at London by BONHAM NORTON and IOHN BILL, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiesty. 1625.

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