WHereas it hath pleased Almighty God to call to his mercy our late Souereigne Lord, King IAMES, of blessed memory, by whose decease the Imperiall Crowns of Great Britaine, France and Ireland, are solely and rightfully come to the High and mighty Prince CHARLES: We therefore the Lords Spirituall and Temporal of this Realme, being here assisted with those of his late Maiesties Priuie Councell, with numbers of other principall Gentlemen of qualitie, with the Lord Maior, Aldermen, and Citizens of London, doe now hereby with one full voice, and consent of tongue and heart, publish and proclaime, That the High and Mighty Prince CHARLES, is now by the death of our late Souereigne of happy memory, become our onely lawfull, lineall, and rightfull Liege Lord, CHARLES by the Grace of God, King of Great Britaine, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. To whom we doe acknowledge all faith and constant obedience, with all hearty and humble affections; Beseeching God, by whom King doe Reigne, to blesse the Royall King CHARLES with long and happy yeeres to Reigne ouer vs.
- Io. Gore Maior.
- G. Cant.
- Io. Lincolne C.S.
- Iames Ley.
- H. Mandeuille.
- E. Worcester.
- G. Buckingham.
- Arundell and Surrey.
- Pembrooke.
- Henry Kent.
- F. Rutland.
- T. Lincolne.
- Dorset.
- W. Salisbury.
- Montogmery.
- Warwicke.
- Will. Denbigh.
- C. Anglesey.
- Clare.
- Kelley.
- Clanricard.
- Andeuer.
- Henry Rochford.
- Ol. Grandison.
- Geo. London.
- R. Dunelm.
- Theo. Howard.
- Ed. Conway.
- Delaware.
- Scroope.
- Charles Stanhope.
- G. Carew.
- F. Brooke.
- G. Baltimore.
- T. Edmonds.
- Io. Sickling.
- Robert Naunton.
- Alb. Morton.
- Rich. Weston.
- Jul. Caesar.