❧ By the King.
❧ A Proclamation concerning Buildings in, and about London.
WHereas We, by diuers Our Royal Proclamations yet in force, haue heretofore published Our pleasure, grounded vpon iust & important reasons, concerning the publique, aswell for restraining of Building vpon new Foundations, in, and neere the City of London, as for prescribing the materials, and manner of Buildings there, and sundry other things in the same Proclamations mentioned; And to the same end and purpose haue awarded seuerall Commissions vnder Our great Seale of England, vnto sundry of the Lords of Our Priuie Councell, and others: And whereas the same Our Royall prouidence, for the weale and honour of that Our Imperiall City, hath produced good effects, and most men (especially persons of best ranke and qualitie, in, and about the said Citie) haue readily submitted to Our princely directions: Neuerthelesse, because some others, in, and about the said Citie, haue endeauoured to withstand and crosse so honourable a designe; We haue thought fit eftsoones to publish and declare Our constant resolution, That Our former directions, giuen by Our said Proclamations and Commissions, shall from hencefoorth, as heretofore, bee duely obserued, and put in exact execution. And therfore We do hereby forwarne all persons, of whatsoeuer estate, degree, or condition they be, whom the same may any way concerne, That they doe yeeld all dutifull obedience thereto, vpon paine of Our indignation, and high displeasure, & such further paines, penalties, and seuere punishments, as in the said Proclamations are conteined; We beeing fully resolued, to call all such, as haue, or shall offend therein, to strict accompt; Any former forbearance, or conniuence of any Our Officers or ministers trusted therein, notwithstanding. And to the intent Our pleasure in this behalfe, may take the better effect, Wee doe hereby straitly charge and command, not onely the Maior and Sheriffes of the city of London, and all and siguler Iustices of peace, and other Officers, within the extent of Our former Proclamations and Commission, to execute and performe all and euery thing, which by the sayd former Proclamations they are commanded to doe, but also all, and euery the Aldermen of the seuerall Wards, within the said city of London, and their Deputies, That they, and euery of them, in their respectiue Wards and Precincts, doe diligently obserue, and enquire out all offences, which are, or shall be committed, contrarie to the said former Proclamations, and either take present order for the speedie reformation and amendment thereof, or in case of refusall, or wilfull neglect, after such order, or due monition giuen, to certifie the same, either to the Lords of Our Priuie Councell, or to Our Commissioners for Buildings, for further course to be taken, for reformation of the offence, and punishment of the delinquents, as to iustice shall appertaine, vpon paine, that the said Aldermen and their Deputies being remisse, shall incurre Our indignation, and such seuere punishment, as the neglect of this Our Royall commandement shall deserue.
Giuen at Our Court at Theobalds the fourteenth day of Iuly, in the two and twentieth yeere of Our Reigne of Great Brittaine, France, and Ireland.
God saue the King.
¶ Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. 1624.