WHereas there is and hath been yeerely, and euery yeere, on Festiual dyes, and others, great store of the Siluer and guilt Plate belonging to the Kings MAIESTIE, the PRINCE, and Nobles of this Realme lost, the Armes defaced by euill disposed persons, broken in pieces, moulten into Lumpes, and cast into Ingots, and sold to diuers Goldsmiths, and others, to the great Damage and Detriment of His MA­IESTIE, and the persons aforesaid: And whereas also there is now very lately ta­ken off, and lost from the Communion Table, in His MAIESTIES Chappell at Whitehall, two Siluer Basons double Guilt, Chased, hauing the Armes of Queene MARY, and M. R. engrauen and enameled on the Bosse in the Bottomes of them:

THese are therefore in His MAIESTIES Name straitly to charge and command all Maiors, Sheriffes, Iustices of Peace, Wardens of the Cinque-Ports, Goldsmiths, and Finers, of what nature or kinde soeuer, Constables, Bayliffes, Headboroughs, and other His MA­IESTIES, Officers and Subiects, to whose hands any such Siluer Plate, with the Armes defaced, either broken in pieces, moulten in­to Lumpes, cast into Ingots, or any other wayes disfigured, and suspected, or found to be in any wise belonging to His MAIESTIE, or the Persons aforesaid, either by Examination, Circumstance, or Confession shall happen to come; That you, and euery of you, doe make returne of all and e­uery such Siluer and Plate, as aforesaid, into His MAIESTIES Office of His Iewell-House, and the Examinations and Confessions of the Parties apprehended therfore, into the Office of His MAIESTIES Green-cloth: And hereof faile not, as you will answere the contrary at your perils.

  • Richmond, Lenox.
  • Pembroke.
  • T. Edmonds.

God saue the King.

¶ Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton, and Iohn Bill, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. M.DC.XXIII.

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