A Publication, or a Declaration of the Lords of the Councells Order for the Needle-makers in his Maiesties Dominions.
Presents, • Lord Keeper, &c. , • Lord President. , • Lord Marquis Hamilton. , • Earle Marshall. , • Lord Chamberlaine. , • Lord Viscount Grandison. , • Lord Carew. , • Lord Chichester. , • Master Treasurer. , • Master Secretarie Caluert. , and • The Master of the Rolles. 

FOrasmuch as certificate hath bin made vnto the Boarde, subscribed by the Lord Maior of the Littie of London and the Aldermen his Brethren, whereby it appeareth that an Engine hath lately been set vp for the making of Needles, which hath proued very dangerous to be wrought with all, for the spoyling and maming of the kings liege Subiects, and that the vse thereof is very dangerous, and hath depriued great numbers of poore people of their meanes and liuelyhood in these late times of scarcitie, who formerly could get their liuing by the Art of Needle-making: and lastly, that those who worke with the said Engine, doe employ much bad stuffe, to the defrauding of all such as buy the Needles made therewith.

In regard whereof, the Lord Maior and Aldermen hauing vsed all meanes to cause the parties working with the said Engine and bad stuffe, to appeare before them to answer these seueral points: they notwithstanding withdraw themselues into vnknowne places, or else vteerly refuse to make answer to what may be obiected against them.

Their Lordships vpon due consideration of the premises haue thought fit, and accordingly ordered that the said Engine, with such deceitfull Needles, shall from benceforth be vtterly suppressed, not onely in the Littie of London, but in all his Maiesties Dominions, in whose hands soeuer they be found, to be seized and defaced, if no cause be shewed to the contrary by Wednesday next, which will be the twenty eight of this present January. Ind what is thought meete, and ordered by their Lordships that the prices of Needles shall be no greater then they haue beene sold these last twentie yeares, nor the Needles, workmanship, or stuffe, be of no lesse goodnes, but of Steele. And lastly it is ordered, that if notwithstanding the prohibition of the foresaid Engine and bad Needles, if any person shall presume to vse the said Engine or base stuffe, or in any other maner disobay this Order, the partie or parties so offending may be apprehended and carried before the next Justice, in whose hands soeuer they be found, to haue such punishment as their contempt shall be found to descrue.

I. Dickenson.

God saue the King.

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