❧ By the King.
¶ An Abstract of his Maiesties Letters Patents, bearing date the nineteenth day of De­cember, in the one and twentieth yeere of his Maiesties Reigne of England, France and Ireland, and of Scotland the seuen and fiftieth, containing a declaration of his Maiesties pleasure for confirming of former Letters Patents, granted to Matthew de Questor Esquier, and Matthew de Questor his sonne, of the Office of Postmaster for Forraine parts.

In which, after a recitall, aswell of the Inducements which did first mooue his Maiestie to the gran­ting of the said Office, as of some passages since happened to the disturbance of that Seruice, his Maiesties conclusiue Declaration followeth in these words:

KNow, ye, that We, to the end such distractions, which by the meanes aforesaid haue arisen, or may hereafter arise, to the disturbance of our Seruice, may bee quieted and preuen­ted for the time to come, haue thought meet to signifie, and doe hereby signifie, publish and declare the premisses, to all to whom the same doe or shall in any wise apper­taine, and that Wee doe well approue and allow the Certificate, and opinion before mentioned; And therefore it is Our will and pleasure, that the said Letters Patents, bearing date the said thirtieth day of April, and all the Powers, Priuiledges, Ser­uices, and Authorities therein contained, or thereby required to bee done, bee from hencefoorth in all points, and to all intents, constructions and purposes, effectually put in execution, by the said Matthew de Questor the father, and Matthew de Questor the some, or either of them, their, or either of their Deputies, or Assignes, according to the true intent, or meaning of the same, without the let, impediment, hinderance, impeachement, or disturbance of any person, or persons whatsoeuer. And for the better effecting of this Our pleasure, We doe by these presents, for Us, Our Heires and Successours, prohibit all and singuler person, and persons whatsoeuer, (other then the said Matthew de Questor the father, and Matthew de Questor the sonne, and his, and their Deputies, Seruants, and Assignes,) directly, or indirecty, to doe, execute, performe, or intrude themselues, to haue any imployment, in, or about any thing, which shall or ought to bee done by them, the said Matthew de Questor the father, and Matthew de Questor the sonne, or his, or their Deputies, Seruants, or Assignes, without the Deputation, Licence, or Allowance, of them, or the longer liuer of them, vpon paine of the indignation and displeasure of Us, Our Heires, and Sucessours, and vpon such paines and panalties, as may bee inflicted vpon the offendours, for contempt of this Our Royall Commandement: And Our will and pleasure is, and we doe hereby, for Us, Our Heires, and Successours, charge and command that the Lord Chamberleine of Our Houshold, the Lord Warden of Our Cinque-Ports, Our Secretaries of State, and all Mayors, Sheriffes, Justices of Peace, Bayliffes, and all speciall Commissioners, and all Searchers of Our Ports, and all other the Officers, and Ministers of Us, Our Heires, and Successours wheresoeuer, in their seuerall Jurisoictions, Offices and pla­ces, not onely to be ayding and assisting vnto the said Matthew de Questor the father, and Matthew de Questor the sonne, their Seruants, Deputies, and Assignes, and euery of them, in the execution of the same Letters Patents, and the seruice and businesse thereby required, or appointed to bee done, or performed by them, but also to their vttermost powers, to represse, stay, and hinder the proceedings of all Intruders, and disavowed persons, which shall presume to attempt, or goe about directly, or indirectly to doe, performe, or execute any matter or thing whatsoeuer, contrary to Our pleasure herein expressed; Although expresse mention of the true yeerely value, or certaintie of the premisses, or any of them, or of any other Gifts, or Grants by Us, or any Our Progenitours, or Predecessours, to the said Matthew de Questor the father, and Matthew de Questor the sonne, or either of them, before this time made in these presents is not made, or any Statute, Act Ordinance, Prouision, Proclamation, or Restraint heretofore had, made, ordained, or prouided, or any other thing, cause, or matter whatsoeuer, to the contrary thereof in any wise notwith­standing. In witnesse whereof We haue caused these Our Letters to be made Patents.

God saue the King.

Per Breu. de priuato sigillo.

  • Yong
  • and Pye.

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