[royal blazon or coat of arms]

By the King.
¶ A Proclamation commanding Noblemen Knights and Gentlemen of qualitie, to repaire to their Mansion houses in the Countrey, to attend their seruices, and keepe hospitality, according to the ancient and laudable custome of ENGLAND

HIS most Excellent Maiestie, taking into His Royall consideration, that the celebration of the feast of Christmasse approacheth, and how need­full it is (especially in this time of scarcity and dearth) to reuiue the ancient and laudable custome of this Realme, by house-keeping and hospitality, which in all parts of this Realme is exceedingly decayed, by the too fre­quent resort and ordinary residence of Lords Spirituall and Temporall, Kinghts, and Gentlemen of Quality, vnto Cities and Lownes, and chief­ly into, or neere about the Cities of London and Westminster; and willing to prouide remedy, aswell for that, as sundry other inconueniences. Which of necessity must ensue, by the absence of those out of their Countreys, vpon whose care, agreat and principall part of the subordinate gouernment of this Realme doth depend: Doeth heereby strietly charge and command, aswell all his Lords Spi­rituall and Temporall (except such as are of His Priuie Counsell, or beare office about the Person or Court of Himselfe, or of His most dearely beloued Sonne the Prince) and like wise all deputy Lieute­nants, and Justices of Peace, and other Gentlemen of Quality, which haue Mansion houses in the Countrey, wherein they and their families haue vsally dwelt and aboade; That they, and euery of them, immediatly vpon the end of this present month of Nouember, depart from the Cities of London and Westminster, and other Cities and places with their families and seruants, vnto their seuerall Countries, to attend their seruice there, and keepe hospitality, as appertayneth to their degree and calling, vpon paine, not only of His Maiesties heauy indignation and displeasure, and disablement to hold any such places of seruice or trust, vnder His Maiestie; but also of such further censure and punish­ment, as may be inflicted vpon them, for such their disobedience and contempt, or neglect of this His Royall commandement; whereof, as his Maiestie intendeth to take a strict and seure accompt, so He doth heereby require and command, aswell the Lords and others of His Priuie Counsell, as all other His Officers and Ministers, whom it shall any way concerne, to take order that all such as shall offend, amy receiue condigne punishment, without toleration or conniuence.

God saue the King.

¶ Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill. Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. M.DC.XXII

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