❧ By the King.
❧ A Proclamation against excesse of lauish and licentious speech of matters of State.

WHereas Wee by our Proclamation, giuen at Whitehall the foure and twentieth day of December last, did publish and declare Our Royall pleasure against the licentious passage of lauish, and bould discourse, then growen too frequent; And did thereby fore­warne, and straitly commaund all Our louing subiects, from the highest to the lowest, to take heed how they did intermedle by pen or speech with causes of state, and secrets of gouernement, either at home or abroad, but containe themselues within that modest and re­uerent regard of matters aboue their reach, and calling, that to good and duetifull subiects apperteineth; As also not to giue attention, or any manner of applause, or entertainement to such discourse, without acquainting some of Our Priuie Counsell, or other principall officers therewithall, respectiue to the place where such speeches should bee vsed, within the space of foure and twentie howers, vnder paine of im­prisonment, and Our High displeasure; And yet Wee are giuen vnderstand, that notwith­standing the strictnesse of Our commandement, the inordinate libertie of vnreuerent speech, touching matters of high nature, vnfit for vulgar discourse, doth dayly more and more increase: Wee haue thought it necessary to redouble our Princely Direction, and strait Charge in that behalfe; wishing all men to rest assured, that howsoeuer Our owne nature hath bin alwayes prone vnto mildnesse and clemencie; yet We are, and shall be sensible of such presumption, so highly and directly affronting Vs in our Royall commandement.

And therefore Wee doe by these Presents eftsoones charge and command all maner of per­sons, of what estate or degree soeuer, That from hencefoorth they presume not to offend a­gainst Our said former Proclamation, either by licentious and bold Speaking or Writing, or by applauding, entertaining, couering, or concealing such vnfitting Discourse, vpon paine of Our indignation and displeasure, and whatsoeuer other punishment shall bee meete to in­flict vpon such Delinquents.

And Wee doe further charge and command, not onely Our Officers and Ministers, but all other our louing Subiects, as they tender Our pleasure, and will answere the contrary, that they vse all diligence to discouer and bring to Iustice, all such as shall offend in either kind; letting all men know, that Wee will extend the like seueritie towards the remisnesse of such, who shall conceale, as against the boldnesse of audatious Pennes and Tongues, so vnrespec­tiue of duetie to Gouernment.

God saue the King.

❧ Imprinted at London by BONHAM NORTON, and IOHN BILL, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. M.DC.XXI.

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