¶By the King.
❧A Proclamation for the Banishing of Giles Mompesson.
WHereas Giles Mompesson, late Knight, for great and insufferable crimes by him committed, to the abuse of his Maiestie, and grieuous oppression of his Subiects, hath by the high Court of Parliament beene declared to bee Degraded of the Order of Knighthood, and sentenced and adiudged to susteine and beare other punishments, as by the Record of the foresaid Iudgement appeareth: The Kings most Excellent Maiestie approouing in all things the iust proceedings and sentence of the same his high Court of Parliament; Which to preuent, the said Mompesson (while the matters were in examination) escaped from his Keeper, and fled, and is not now to be found. Neuerthelesse, His Maiestie (desiring to assure all his louing Subiects, how hatefull and offensiue it is to His Maiestie, that His people should be so iniured, molested, vexed or oppressed, and willing by the seueritie of His Iustice to deterre all others from any like attempt or enterprise hereafter) hath resolued (ouer and besides all the punishments inflicted vpon the said Mompesson, by the Iudgement of Parliament) to adde this further punishment, in detestation of his offences, vtterly to Banish and expell the said Giles Mompesson out of His Realmes of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and all other His Maiesties Dominions, as a person infamous and vnworthy to partake of any the comforts of His Maiesties happy Gouernment. And therefore His Maiestie doth hereby expresly charge and command, that the said Giles Mompesson, if now he be abiding within any of His Maiesties Dominions, doe forthwith, after the publication hereof, depart and withdraw himselfe out of the same: And that after such his departure, or if he be now in any parts out of His Maiesties Dominions, that he doe not at any time hereafter returne into the same or any of them, vpon paine to incurre, not onely the seuerest & vttermost execution of the said Sentence and Iudgement of Parliament, but the forfeiture of whatsoeuer he may forfeit to His Maiestie, and of all such further punishment as His Maiesty in His Kingly power and prerogatiue may inflict vpon him.
Giuen at Our Palace of Westminster the thirtieth of March, in the nineteenth yeere of Our Reigne of Great Britaine, France, and Ireland.God saue the King.
❧Imprinted at London by BONHAM NORTON, and IOHN BILL, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. M.DC.XXI.