¶ By the King.
❧ A Proclamation for the finding out and apprehending of Sir Giles Mompesson Knight.

WHereas Sir Giles Mompesson, Knight, being Conuented before our Commons house of Parliament, and there questio­ned for many hainous offences and misdemeanours, to the into­lerable grieuance of our good and louing Subiects, the great dishonour of Our Person, and scandall of Our gouernment, hath out of the guilt of his owne conscience, as it is to be presu­med, whilest hee was there vnder examination, and for feare of condigne punishment, which might bee inflicted vpon him for the same, made an escape out of the custody of the Sergeant of that house, to whom by their Order hee was committed, for se­curitie of his person to be forth comming, vpon occasion of further triall.

Wee therefore, out of Our knowen and wonted zeale to Iustice, and out of Our tender and princely care, that offenders of so foule a nature as this seemeth to be, vnder whose op­pressions Our louing Subiects do so much suffer, to our great griefe and displeasure, when We are truely informed thereof, may not escape and auoyd the hands of Iustice, but that to the terrour and example of others, they may be brought forth to receiue their Triall, Cen­sure and punishment according to their demerits; Doe hereby straightly charge and com­mand, all and euery Our Lieutenants, Deputy-Lieutenants of any County within this Our Realme, Maiors, Sheriffes, Iustices of Peace, Customers, Comptrollers, Sear­chers, and other Officers of Our Ports, Constables, Headboroughs, and all other Our Offi­cers and louing Subiects whatsoeuer, within Liberties or without, to vse all possible di­ligence and indeuour, for the searching and finding out of the sayd Sir Giles Mompesson, in any part of this Our Realme, and him to apprehend, and safely to conuey and bring vnto Our Tower of London, and there to deliuer him into the hands of the Lieutenant of Our Tower, to bee safely kept, vntill further order be taken by the House of Parliament for pro­ceeding against him. And this Our Royall Commandement to bee forthwith carefully executed, by all and euery Our said Officers, and others to whom it may in any wise apper­taine, vpon paine of Our High displeasure, And as they will answere the contrary at their vttermost perils.

God saue the King.

❧ Imprinted at London by ROBERT BARKER, and IOHN BILL, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. M.DC.XX.

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