IAMES, By the Grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France, & Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c.
To all and singuler Archbishops, Bishops, Archdeacons, Deanes, and their Official [...]: Parsons, Vicars, Curats, and to all spirituall persons: And also to all Iustices of Peace, Maiors, Sheriffes, Bayliffes, Constables, Churchwardens, & Headboroughes: And to all Officers of Citties, Boroughs, and Townes corporate: And to all other our Officers, Ministers, and Subiects whatsoeuer they bée, aswell within liberties as without, to whome these presents shall come, greeting.

WHEREAS by our Letters Patents bearing date at Westminster the Last day of Octo­ber in the Nynth yeare of our Raigne of England, &c. vpon a Certificate vnder the hands of our Right trusty & wel-beloued Subiects Sir Francis Fane, sir George Fane, sir Robert Bret, sir Maximillian Da­lison, and sir William Page Knights, Iustices of the Peace within our County of Kent, Wée did giue and graunt vnto our poore distressed Subiect Iohn Tyler of Shorne within our foresaid County Mault­man, full power, licence & authority to aske, gather, receiue & take the Almes & charitable beneuolence of all our louing subiects what­soeuer Inhabiting within our Citties of London, & Westminster, with the Suburbs and Liberties thereof, and in our Counties of Kent, Essex, Surrey, & Suffex, for & in respect of his great losses sustained by Fire, Amounting to the value of Two Hundred Pounds and vpwards, and the reliefe & maintenance of himselfe, his poore wife, and Family. NOW forasmuch as Wée haue been lately very credibly giuen to vnderstand aswell by a Certificate from our true & Loyall Subiects the Inhabitants of our Towne of Shorne aforesaid, as also by Affidauit, That our said poore Subiect Iohn Tyler at the time of the granting of our said Letters Patents, was sodainely visited by Almighty God with grieuous sicknesse & lamenes in his lims, whereby hée was not able to make any Collection of our said grant within the time limited (sauing only Fower Parishes within our City of London) whereby he lost the reliefe Wée gratiously intended towards him; Since which time hée is [...]as [...]e [...] into further want & misery by the like misfortune of Fire, whereby his Malt-house & other Out-houses, together with the goods & substance therin were burnt & consumed: By reason wherof, and of o­ther casuall meanes he hath lost to the value of Three Hundred Pounds more, To the vtter vndoing of him and his poore wife being now aged Fowerscore yéers a peece, and not only stripped of all their maintenance & liuelyhood, but also in these their latter daies ouer­taken with extreame want & penury, being past labour & not able to helpe themselues, so that they are like to perish for want of things necessary, vnlesse some charitable course be forth with taken for their reliefe héerin, whose miserable & poore estate Wée much pitty, and seeing that by Gods [...]ta [...]ion hee was not able to take the benefit of our former Letters Patents with the time limited, but left the same vncollected, Wee haue thought good (vpon the humble suit of all our foresaid subiects the Inhabitants of Shorne) to renew our foresaid Letters Patents for longer time for the places formerly granted wherin no Collection hath béen made, wherby our said poore Subiect may now receiue such reliefe as it shall please God to stir vp in the harts & charitable minds of all our louing and wel-dispo­sed Subiects by Christian contribution towards the relief & comfort of their poore distressed Brother, who through méere want suste­nance is enforced to craue the same.

KNOWE yee therefore, that wee (tendering the lamentable & distressed estate of our said poore Subiect) of Our especiall Grace and Princely compassion, haue giuen & granted, and by these our Letters Patents doe giue and grant vnto our said poore Subiect Iohn Tyler, and to his Deputy & Deputies, the bearer or bearers heereof, full power, licence, and authority, to aske, gather, receiue and take the Almes and charitable beneuolence of all our louing subiects whatsoeuer inhabiting within our Citties of London, & Westminster, with the Suburbs & Liberties, therof, and in our Counties of Essex, Kent, Surrey, & Sussex, with our Citties of Canterbury, Roche­ster, and the Cinque Ports, with our Citty of Chichester, (where no former Collection hath béen made) And in all Townes corpo­rate, priuiledged places. Parishes, Villages, and in all other places whatsoeuer within our said Counties, and not elsewhere, for and to­wards the recouery of his great losses, and the releife and maintenance of himselfe, his poore wife and Family.

WHEREFORE Wee will & command you, and euery of you, that at such time & times as the said Iohn Tyler, or his De­puty or Deputies, the bearer or bearers heerof, shall come & repaire to any your Churches, Chappels, or other places, to aske, and receiue the gratuities [...]ble beneuolence of our said subiects, quietly to permit & suffer them so to doe, without any maner your lets, or con­tradictions. And you the s [...]d Parsons, Vicars, and Curats, for the better stirring vp of a charitable deuotion, deliberately to publish and declare the [...] these our Letters Patents, or the Copy or Briefe therof, vnto our said Subiects, within One Month next af­ter your receipt the [...]of, Exhorting & perswading them to extend their liberall contributions in so good and charitable a déed. And you the Churchwardens of euery Parish where such Collection is to bee made (as aforesaid) to collect and gather the Almes and charitable be­neuolence of all our louing Subiects, aswell strangers as others, from seat to seat; And what shall bee by you so gathered, to endorse on the Back side heereof, in [...]ords at length, and not in figures, and the same deliuer to the bearer or bearers héereof, when as thereunto god shall bee [...]d Any Statute, Lawe, Ordinance, or prouision héertofore made to the contrary in any wise notwit [...]standing.

IN witnesse whereof, Wee haue caused these our Letters to bee made Patents for the space of One whole yeare nextt after the date héere [...] to endure.

❀ Steward,
❀ God saue the King▪

Printed by Thomas Purfoot.

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