[...] [...] ble suit of the foresaid Inhabitants did assemble themsel [...] together at the Church of Clare aforesaid [...]well to view what Sums of money by vertue of the said Letters Patents haue been by them collected, as also [...]ther haue [...] the same, they doe now find, that by reason of the many Collections made for St. Albons, Virginia, and other decayed Churches, that all the money which they haue receiued, will not serue to finish the said Church (which hithereto hath been very substantially emp [...]oyed, and with great commendation) vnlesse some further course bee forthwith taken for the Parishioners resiefe [...] And for that the poore Inhabitants, notwithstanding their former charge, haue uery willingly and bountifully contributed to the vttermost of their abilities towards the building and finishing of the same; yet for that they haue beene deepely surcharged heerein already, and at this instant are indebted for the worke already performed, about the Sum of Two Hundred: Fifty Pounds more then they haue receiued, They haue most humbly besought Vs, that of [...] Princely care and zeale to works of this nature, in respect of the charge already bestowed and the worke not finished, Wée would be pleased to proceed as wee haue begun to the finishing of this worke, and t [...] [...]ew our foresaid Letters Patents for some other Counties not yet collected, not doubting, but that all good Christians (well weighing the premisses) will be ready and willing to extend their liberall contributions towards the finishing and performing of so Religious and pyous a worke, so far & substantially begun; and without some further reliefe, not likely to be perfected & ended.
KNOWE yee therefore, that of Our especiall Grace and Princely comp [...]ion, wee haue giuen & granted, and by these our Letters Patents doe giue and grant vnto our true and Loyall subiects George Blomefield Gentleman, W [...]am Neatherstreat, Francis Crosse, and Iohn Steuens Yeomen, Inhabitants of our foresaid Towne of Clare, and to their Deputy & Deputies, the bearer or bearers heereof, full power licence & anthority, to aske, gather, receive & take the Almes & charitable beneuolence of all our louing subiects whatsoeuer Inhabiting within our Counties of Surrey, Barks, Buckingham, Oxford, Somerset, Devon, Cornwall, Gloucester, Lancaster, and Yorke, with our Citty & Vniuersity of Oxford, and in our Citties of Bristoll, Bath, & Wells, and Exeter, with our Citties Gloucester, and Yorke, with our Towne & County of Kingston vpon Hull: And in all other Citties, Townes corporate, priuiledged places, Parishes, Villages, and in all other places whatsoeuer within our said Counties, and not elsewhere, for and towards the finishing and pecfecting of the foresaid good and Godly worke.
WHEREFORE Wée will and command you, and euery of you, that at such time and times as the said George Blomefield, William Netherstreat, Francis Crosse, & Iohn Stevens, or their Deputy or Deputies, [...]e bearer or bearers heereof, [...]hall come and repaire to any your Churches, Chappels, or other places, to aske receiue the gratuities and charitable beneuolence of our said Subiects q [...]ietly to permit and suffer them so to doe, without any manner your lets, or contradictions. And you the said Parsons, Vicars, and Curats, for the better stirr [...]ng vp[?] of a charitable deuotion, deliberately to publish and declare the Tenor of these our Letters Patents vnto our said Subiects, Exhorting & perswading them to extend their liberall contributions in so good and Godly a worke. And you the Churchwardens of euery Parish where such Collection shall bee made (as aforesaid to collet & gather the Almes & charitable beneuolence of all our louing Subiects whatsoeuer, within One Moneth next after the receipt of their our Letters Patents, or the Copy or Briefe thereof; And what shall bee by you so gathered, to be by the Minister and your selues endorsed on the Back-side heereof, in words at length, and not in figures, and the same deliuer to the bearer or bearers heereof, when as therunto you shall bee required. And Statut, Lawe, Ordinance, or prouision heertofore made to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.
IN witnesse whereof, wée haue caused these our Letters to be made Patets for the space of One whole yeare next after the date héereof to endure.