❧ A Briefe of some of the principall points of the Kings Maiesties late Charter to the Company of Gold-beaters of London, prohibiting the Importation of Gold and Siluer Foliat, and Tynne and Copper Foile into any of his Maiesties Dominions after the first day of Nouember next, vpon paine of forfeiture thereof, &c.

ANd to the intent that the Company of Gold and Siluer Beaters may the better liue and be maintained by their Trade and Mystery of bea­ting Gold and Siluer into leafe: We doe therefore for Vs our Heires and Successors, will, ordaine, prohibit, and forbid all and euery person and persons whatsoeuer, of what estate condition or quality soeuer he or they be, That they or any of them shall not or doe not at any time or times after the first day of Nouember next comming, import, conuey, or bring or cause to be imported conuaied or brought, into this Our Realme of England, or Our Realme of Ireland, or Dominion of Wales, from any the partes beyond the Seaes, Any kind or sort of any gold or siluer Foliat or leafe, or any Tin foyle or Copper Foile whatsoeuer, to be vttered sould, put to sale, or vsed, within any Our Realms or Domi­nions: vpon paine to lose or forfeit the same, and to sustaine imprisonment at the will and pleasure of Vs our Heires and Successors, and to bee further punished according to Our Lawes for his or their contempt in that behalf: the one moity therof to be to Vs our Heir [...]s and Successors, and the other moity thereof to bee to the Master and Wardens of the said Company & their successors, or such other person or persons as shall first seize and sue for the same from time to time. And We doe hereby for Vs our heires and successors, will and or­daine, and also straighly charge and command, that no person or persons whatsoeuer, not being a member and Free-man of the said Company, shall or may Within any part or place within this our Realmes of England or Ireland or Dominion of Wales, practise, vse, or exercise the Trade of Mystery of beating Gold or Siluer into leafe, nor shall any way erect, set vp, make stop, or mend any mould, engine, toole or material whatsoeuer, for the beating or wor­king of Gold or Siluer into Foliat, vpon paine of the losse & forfeture to Vs our heires & suc­cessors of al such Gold and Siluer Leafe, and tooles, as shal be so beaten, wrought, made, or mended, contrary to the tenour of these presents, and such further punishment by imprison­ment, or otherwise as shall or may by Our Lawes or prerogatiue Royally be inflicted vpon such offenders for the contempt of this Our Royall pleasure and commandement: The moity of all which forfeitures to be leuied and taken for Vs Our heires and succes­sors. And whereas We haue prouided & taken order that al such Gold and Siluer Foliat as shall be hereafter made by the Master and Wardens and Cominalty of the said Company, shall be made and wrought out of forraine Coyne and bullion onely, and not otherwise. We [...]

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