¶ By the King.
A Proclamation for the annihilating of a former Proclamation, intituled, A Proclamation prohibiting the vntimely bringing in of Wines.
Whereas by Our Proclamation giuen at Wansted the eleuenth day of September, in the eleuenth yeere of Our Reigne of Great Britaine, France and Ireland, Wee did (for diuers causes therein expressed) prohibit and forbid all persons whatsoeuer, aswel Our naturall borne Subiects as Denizens, either directly or indirectly, from thencefoorth to vnship, discharge or lay on land any new Wines of the growth of France, at or in any Port, Hauen, Creeke, or other place of Our Realme of England, and Principalitie of Wales, or to buy or receiue any new Wines of the growth of France, being brought in by any others, vntill the first day of December next after the date of the same Proclamation, and so vntill the first day of December yerely, vpon paine of Our high displeasure, and such penalties as by the Lawes of this our Realme might be inflicted on offenders in that behalfe. And whereas for the more due execution thereof, We did further charge & command all Customers, Comptrollers, & other Officers of Our Ports, to forbeare to take any Entries of such new Wines of the growth of France, that should bee brought into this Realme by any person or persons whatsoeuer, vntill the said first day of December yeerely: Now, for that Wee haue found by experience, that Our said Proclamation (which aymed onely at the reformation of certaine abuses and inconueniences in the bringing in of Wines from France (vntimely as Wee supposed) hath not taken that good effect Wee thereby expected, but that the Wines of the said growth of France imported into this Realme, haue not onely since that time (for the most part) prooued worse then before, but also Our Customes, Subsidies, and Impostes for the same by meanes thereof haue been much lessened and impaired: Wee haue therefore thought fit, that the said Proclamation should be no longer continued in force, but that the same, and euery clause and inhibition therein conteined, be from henceforth discontinued and fully determined, to all intents and purposes. And Wee doe hereby notifie the same to all Our Subiects & others whatsoeuer. And We do further hereby publish & declare, that it shal and may be lawfull to and for all and euery person and persons whatsoeuer, aswel Our naturall borne Subiects as Denizens, from hencefoorth yeerely and euery yeere, to vnship, discharge or lay on land, any new Wines of the growth of France, at or in any Port, Hauen, Creeke, or other place within our Realme of England, and Principality of Wales, or to buy or receiue any new Wines of the growth of France, being brought in by any others, aswell before the first day of December now next comming, as at all and euery other time or times hereafter, without incurring any paine or penaltie for, or by reason of Our sayd Proclamation, The same Proclamation, or any inhibition, restraint or matter therein conteined to the contrary notwithstanding; And that all Customers, Comptrollers, and other Officers of Our Ports to whom it shall appertaine, and all Farmers of the Customes, Subsidies and Imposts now being, and that hereafter shall be, and their Clerkes and Substitutes, shal and may lawfully make and take Entries of and for any such Wines of the growth of France, as at any time or times, hereafter shall bee brought into this Realme by any person or persons; Our sayd Proclamation or any inhibition therein conteined to the contrary notwithstanding.
Giuen at Bagshot the second day of September, in the seuenteenth yeere of Our Reigne of England, France and Ireland, and of Scotland the three and fiftieth.
God saue the King.
❧ Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton, and Iohn Bill, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie.