By his Maiesties Pattentees for the Erecting the Manufacture of Hard-waxe.



WHEREAS THE KINGS most Excellent Maiestie hath taken knowledge that Hard-waxe being vsefull and delightfull amonge his subiects, is become more frequent in these His Kingdomes then heretofore, and that it is for most part privately imported from forraine places beyond the seaes, without custome or benifite to His Maiestie, and some time with much deceite to the subiect thereby, and that some smale quantitie thereof by two or three vnskilfull persons onely, hath ben of late time made in this His Kingdome. So as the Forrayner, or one or two strangers, make vse hereof, whereby it is sold at a dearer rate to the subiects, then otherwise it may, be if it were made & vsed as knowne manufacture in this kingdome, by persons brought vp & taught therein, as in other sciences & Trades, which are necessary for setting people to worke, and for breeding Commerce, which is the ayme of the ciuill Countreys and for supply of themselues if possible aswell as other kingdomes, in like manner with all necessary & vsefull things by their owne industrey, as good and better cheape then from forrayne countryes, as for most part it is, which his Maiestie graci­tiouslly intending and alwayes tendring and affecting the good of His Subiects, and having taken knowledge, vppon due consideration and examination hereof by His Counsell learned, and finding the making of Hard-waxe, not to be of any par­ticular Company, Trade or Science now vsed or established, nor hurtfull but vsefull to his subiects in generall, to erect a Manufacture thereof being a matter of delight and conveniencie rather then of necessity, so as for reteyning the same in a moderate price and rate, least the forraynnet from whence it is brought, finding it more vsefull here, shall inhaunce the price thereof, if it shall come onely from him, and it being vnder taken by his Pattentes, or his Deputies or Assignes, to be as well or better made heere, and that his kingdomes shalbe sufficiently scerued. Hath thought fit, for there and like consi­derations by His Highnes Letters Pattents vnder his great Seale of England, dated the Third of February last past, to graunt and declare that it shall become and be made a manufacture within this Kingdome, by sussicient workemen well skilled therein, that hereafter servants or apprentice vnder them, being taught and practised in that Art, may come the true knowledge thereof, and from tune to time, be set on worke therein, as the vse thereof shall increase, and thereby these his Kingdomes the better cheape serued and furnished. To which end, His Maiestie hath also in and by his sayd letters Pat­tents, among other thungs declared and signified His expresse will and pleasure to be, that no Hard-wax hereafter shalbe im­ported into these his kingdomes by Marchants or others, Aiiens or naturals, vnder the penalty of Forfeiture and seizing thereof, and vndergoing the lawes and penalties to be incurred, for contempt of his royall pleasure herein and also that no man within this his Kingdome otherwise then the Pattenties their Deputies or Assignes vnder like penalties and vnder payne of incuring his heauie displeasure and sensure by the Lawes for disobeying thereof shall presume to make and vtter or cause to be made and vttered any Hard-waxe so priuately made but such as shall be made or allowed by the Pattenties his Deputies and assignes. And that it shall be lawefull for the Pattentee and his Assignes from time to time for distinc­tion of their Wax by them made from others so priuately made or imported, to impose any marke or marks, and to seiz and take that which shall not be so marked. Giuing heereby further notice, that all Shopkeepers, who haue vsually or shall vsually sell the same, shalbe serued by the pound or waight, with as good and better Wax, without want and better cheape, then for the most part the like is, or hath ben sold heretofore, whereof all those shopkeepers whom this may concerne, shall haue further knowledge by a declaration in Print whether to repayre for the same, to be furnished, by or before the [...] day of [...] next comming, and in the meane time, These presents shalbe sufficient to giue knowledge of His Maiesties pleasure herein, to all whom this shall concerne, whereof it they doubt, they may repayre to the house of Sir Henry Breton Knight, in Drurie Lane. to see His Maiesties letters Pattents to this purpose, if they desire to be further satisfied herein.

God saue the King.

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