Wee will and command you that you warne, and cause come xxiiij. honest, sufficient, and discreet men of your said Hundred, before the clerke of the Market of our houshold, and through our Realme of England, or his lawfull Deputy within the Verge, aswell within liberties as without to appeare at [...] vpon [...] being the [...] day of [...] next ensuing the date heereof, by eight of the clocke in the morning of the same day, Then and there aswell to rate, ceasse, and taxe the prices of all kinde of Corne, Graine, Victualls, Horse-meate, Lodging, and other things for the expences of our houshold and traine in this our Progresse, as also to heare and to doe vpon their seuerall Oathes, as they and euery of them shall be, for vs, and on our behalfe required according to the lawes of our Realme. And moreouer that you giue warning to all petty Constables, of euery Parish and Hamlet within your saide Hundred, to command all Bakers, Brewers, Inholders, Tiplers, Tauerners, Mercers, Drapers, Chandlers, Butchers, Smithes, Weaueres, Millers, Farmers, Cornesellers, and all other persons within your said Hundred, who haue, vse, or occupy any manner of Weights or Measures, sealed or not sealed, euery of them to appeare with the same, the day, howre, and place aforesaid, to see them duly examined with our Standard. And then the Bakers and Victuallers bread of all sorts to bee shewed for the perfect intelligence of the true assize thereof: At which time and place aforesaid, all your officers to bee present and attendant, to make due returne of this our commandement; together with the names and Surnames of the aforesaid Iurors and Artificers into the court in due forme of writing, as yee will answere to the contrary at your perills.
Dated vnder our Seale of the Office aforesaid the [...] day of [...] in the [...] yeere of our Raigne of England, &c.
Wee will and command you that you warne, and cause to come xxiiij. honest, sufficient, and discreete men of your said [...] before the Clerk of the market of our houshold, through our Realme of England, or his lawfull deputy within the Verge, aswell within liberties as without, to appeare at [...] vpon [...] being the [...] of [...] next ensuing the date hereof by eight of the clocke in the morning of the same day: Then and there to rate ceasse, and taxe the prices of all kinde of Corne Graine Victualls, Horsemeate Lodging, and other things for the expence of our houshold and traine in this our Progresse as also to heare and to doe vpon their seuerall Oathes, as they and euery of them shall be for vs▪ and on our behalfe required according to the lawes of our Realme. And moreouer that you giue warning to all Bakers, Brewers, Inholders, Tiplers Tauerners, Mercers Drapers, Chandlers▪ Butchers, Smiths, Weauers, Millers, Farmers, Corne-sellers and all other persons within your said [...] who haue, vse, or occupy any manner of Weights or Measures, sealed or not sealed euery of them to appeare with the same, the day, houre and place aforesaid; to see them duly examined with our Standard▪ And then the Bakers personally to appeare with their bread of all sorts, to see it weighed for the perfect intelligence of the true assize thereof: At which time and place aforesaid, all your officers to be present and attendant to make due returne of this our commandement; together with the names and surnames of the aforesaid Iurors and Artificers in the courte, in due forme of writing, as yee will answere to the contrary at your perills.
Dated vnder our Seale of the Office aforesaid the [...] of [...] in the [...] yeere of our Raigne of England, &c.