[royal blazon or coat of arms]
IAMES by the grace of God King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c.
To the [...] in Our Countie of [...] and to euery of them greeting.

Wee will and command you, that you warne and cause to come xxiiij. honest lawfull and dis­creet men of your said [...] before the Clerke of the Market of Our Houshold, and throughout Our Realme of England, or before his lawfull Deputy or Deputies for Our said County of [...] and euery part thereof as well within Liberties as without, to appeare at [...] vpon [...] being the [...] day of [...] next comming by eight of the clocke in the forenoone of the same day, then and there to heare and doe vpon their seuerall oathes, as they and euery of them shalbe for Vs and on Our behalfes required, according to the Lawes and Statutes of Our Realme: And more­ouer that you send your Precepts according to the tenour hereof to all your petty-Constables or Tithing men of euery Parish and Hamlet within your said [...] thereby commanding them to informe themselues what Weights or Measures are kept or vsed within their seuerall Constableries, and that they specially warne all Millers, Bakers, Brewers, Inholders, Vintners, Mercers, Grocers, Drapers, Alehouse-keepers, Butchers, Chandlers, Smithes, Weauers, Farmers, Malsters, Tai­lers, Glouers, Clothiers, Clothworkers, Fullers, and generally all Artificers, Trades­men, or any other person or persons whatsoeuer within their Constableries or Ti­things, that vseth or hath any Weights or Measures whatsoeuer sealed or not sealed, to bring or send their said Weights and Measures at the day and place aforesaid, to be duely examined with Our Standard; And also that they require the Bakers and Victuallers to bring thither with them their Bread of all sorts, to be tryed whether the true Assize be kept therein; And that the said Constables or Tithing-men doe bring thither and present to Our said Clerke of the Market or to his Deputie faire written and fixed to Our Precept, as their returne thereof, a true note of the names of the Parish or Hamlet wherof they are Officers, and the name of the Parish where­of the Hamlet is a part, with the true names, surnames and additions of all the per­sons appointed to be summoned by them as aforesaid, And withall a note of all the Weights and Measures which euery or any man vseth or hath, and your selfe or selues to be then and there present and attendant, and to make a due returne of this Our Command and Precept; Indorsing thereupon the true names of all the Parishes and Hamlets whereof you haue summoned the Officers to appeare, together with the said Officers names: And moreouer that you giue notice to such Our Iustices of Peace within or next adioyning to your [...] that they may be pre­sent to see the due execution of this Our Seruice, according to the intent of Our late Proclamation on this behalfe: And hereof faile not as you will answere the contrary at your perill.

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